A Girl's Happiness

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Pairing: Jacob Frye
Warning: none
Note: N/A
Requested by: no one

                                                 Jacob sat on the ground, watching his daughter toddle around. She looked up at him and gurgled in happiness then stumbled over to him. Jacob pulled Y/n to his lap, she gave him a toothless grin. 

                                                "Love you too, princess," said Jacob, pressing a kiss to her temple, "Love you too." 

                                                 "Jacob!" Evie shouts. 

                                                 "What?" Jacob groans, "Can't I have some peace and quiet with my daughter for once in my damn life?!" Y/n starts to sniffle at his shouting and Jacob immediately regretted it. 

                                                 "No, no, no, no. Don't cry, princess. Don't cry!" 

                                                  Jacob tucked her head under his chin, rocking the 9-month-old baby back and forth. 

                                                  "Take Henry with you! I have a daughter to take care of!" Evie huffs in frustration then leaves the father and daughter alone.  

                                                   Jacob sighs to himself, he then looked down to see Y/n sucking on her thumb. 

                                                   "Alright, alright. Let's get you your milk." Jacob stands up, balancing Y/n on his hip and carried her to the kitchen to prepare her milk. 

                                                    Jacob placed Y/n on her tummy, letting her play with the toys surrounding her. Hearing her gurgles confirmed that she is happy and distracted enough for Jacob to get her bottle. 

                                                      Y/n babbled when she was presented with the bottle of warm milk and greedily stuck the nipple (BAD, READER! BAD) in her mouth. 

                                                     The front door swung open, Jacob's hand flew to his pistol then stopped when he saw Evie and Henry walking in. Jacob relaxed as Evie strode over to Y/n, she picked her niece up from the floor making the baby whine for her fallen bottle. 

                                                     "Evie." Jacob huffs, picking the bottle up and handing it back to Y/n. 

                                                      Evie readjusted her grip on Y/n's small body. 

                                                     "You just had to knock a woman up," Evie grumbles to her twin. 

                                                      "Hey!" Jacob protested, "At least I don't have twins." 

                                                       Y/n started to whine, shaking her empty bottle of milk. Henry took her from Evie. 

                                                        "And the said child needs to get her nappie changed." Henry adds, holding Y/n out to Jacob.

                                                         Jacob took Y/n from Henry then carried her to his bedroom to get her changed.

                                                        "Cutie." Jacob boops Y/n's nose. 

                                                         Y/n laughs making Jacob chuckle along. She grabbed his hand with her smaller one and pressed her cheek against his palm. She yawns, pressing her cheek even closer to her father's palm then snuggled away to sleep. 

                                                         Jacob rubs soothing circles on Y/n's chubby cheek. 

                                                         "A girl's happiness is the most important thing for a father." 


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