Too Late To Be Sorry

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Pairing: Edward Kenway
Warning: none
Note: this is more of a Haytham x sister!reader than Edward x daughter!reader. 
Requested by: no one

Seeing your father's body buried six feet under the ground is hard enough, living without him is even harder. Your mother fell to insanity, your older half-sister slowly started to distance herself from you, and your brother has too. 

You felt so lonely wandering the estate alone. You always trailed after your father whenever you had the chance to hear his stories as a pirate. Now it's silent in the estate. No more stories, no more laughing, no more tight hugs, nothing. 

As the years went by, your siblings left you all alone with your delirious mother. She eventually passed away and you paid for her burial. You briefly saw Haytham before he disappeared without a trace and you lost all hope in maintaining a relationship with your brother

You were seventeen when your mother died. Now eighteen, you find yourself sailing to the colonies seeking a better life.  The journey was hard and rough but you made it the colonies with the rest of the passengers. Before you arrived, you sent out a letter to a landlord buying a small plot of land and a house. You put it under Haytham's name knowing that no sane man will ever let a woman buy property. 

You entered the house with a heavy sigh and placed your belongings on the dirty floor. You picked up a broom leaning on the wall and started to sweep. Soon, the house became decent enough to your taste and you started to enjoy your life. 

You didn't need to worry about money. Your father left mostly everything to you, his youngest. Not Jenny, not Haytham. You

My darling youngest, 

Knowing you, you are the most logical and sensible one out of you and your siblings. Don't tell them that, of course. Which is why I am leaving mostly everything to you under your name. Don't worry about a thing in your life, Y/n. Trust hope

Haytham and Jenny did receive a reasonable amount of wealth but most of it was given to you. So you took the opportunity to help the children and families in need. 

"Bless your kind soul," an elderly woman said, grasping your hand in hers. "Thank the Lord for blessing us." You squeezed the woman's hand and continued to hand out necessities. 

Food, water, clothes, and blankets were handed out every week. You gave out enough to survive for a week and always came back with a wagon filled with more the following week. 

Sometimes you would care for the sick and the injured and send them on their way once recovered. One day, in the middle of the night, you heard rapid knocking on the door. You opened it revealing two boys not much older than you.  The younger one out of the two needed medical attention and desperately. 

You tended to his care and took care of his wounds. You learned his name was Shay Cormac and his companion is Liam O'Brien, both Irish immigrants. 

Years went by after that night and Liam came to visit more often, sometimes with Shay in tow. Most of the time, it was just you and Liam, arm in arm. Out of the blue, Liam kissed you. One thing led to another and you married him at twenty in 1752. 

You moved out of the house you called home since 1750. You promised the people in need that you will continue helping them in any shape or form and you did. 

Eventually, you learned Liam's true career is. An assassin. He, Achilles, Chevalier, Hope, Kesegowaase, even Shay. All assassins. With one intention. End the Templar Regime. Liam assured you that he was doing this for a better cause and requested that you work as a nurse for the assassins.

When Liam wasn't overloaded with work, he would take you to see the people in need personally. One day, you turned around and your eyes met a familiar pair of stormy grey. You dropped the bucket of water in shock. 

He's changed so much. He wasn't the boy you grew up with anymore. He was a strapping young man, aged so well but his eyes are unmistakable. You are looking at the eyes of your older brother, your brother who had abandoned you when you needed him the most. 

Liam was dragged off by Chevalier hours ago after you reached the people in need. You excused yourself and approached Haytham. Haytham stepped away and spun on his heels to leave. You chased after him as fast as you can go. 

You wanted answers, you wanted to know why he and Jenny abandoned you. Why he threw you away like rubbish. 

"Haytham Kenway, you stay still or God help me!" 

Haytham slowly came to a stop, hesitating to turn around. He can hear your voice quivering, threatening to cry. He wanted to embrace you, tell you how sorry he is for leaving, but he saw you with your husband. If you learned what organization he's part of, not only will his life be in danger but yours as well. You will have a target on your back and that's not what he wanted. 

"I know it's too late to say sorry nor am I seeking your forgiveness. I deserve neither nor do I deserve the title as your brother. It is far too late to say the words I wished to say many years ago, Y/n. Goodbye." 

And he disappeared in a crowd of people. You went after him, demanding that he told you more. Unfortunately, you lost him in the crowd. You returned to the people in need and saw Liam talking to several orphans. One of the orphans pointed in your direction and Liam strode over to you. 

"You've been crying, why?" Liam brushed away your tears. "What happened while I was away?" 

"D-do you remember what I told you about my siblings?" 

"I do." 

"I met him. And he disappeared before I could speak." 

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