Chapter Six

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My new cover was made by Ethannnnn as are the rest of the covers to my books! It's so beautiful!

It was now History class and Arrow was sitting next to me. I didn't give Mercy a single look when I walked in and didn't give a fuck about her looking at me. If she thought I would let this go, she has another think coming. I need to play it off as if I'm not upset but when I get my revenge, it'll be even better.

"Alright, Class. So today we'll be starting our projects. For this project you'll have a partner, you are able to choose your own partner and your own topic as long as it centres around the time era I'm assigning the class." Mr. Worths told us as he handed out the paper. "You will all pick an event that happened in either World War One or World Ware Two, depending on the paper you get, half of the class will get a paper saying one and the other half will get the class saying the other."

I looked down at my sheet and seen World War Two.

"Your job will be to teach us about this event. The expectations are on the paper, now find your partner and please begin. At the end of class I'll need to know your partner and the event you choose." He sat down at his desk. "Get to work."

Arrow turns to me, "Wanna be partners?"

I looked at his sheet and it said the same as mine. I looked back at him. "Yeah sure."

"Great." He said.

"What event do you want to do?" I asked him as I ran a hand through my hair.

"Everyone's going to want to do the Holocaust, we could do something more centred in that?" He suggested.

"I think that would be a good idea to have a more narrowed choice." I smiled.

"What if we choose the experiments that were done?" he suggested.

"I think that's a good topic, I mean it's going to be awful material to present but it's just as bad as everything else that happened. We should check with him first." I looked over at Mr. Worth's.

"You're right, I'll go ask." Arrow got up from his desk and fixed his jacket before going over to our teacher.

A couple minutes later he returned and sat down. "He said that's a good topic, he said very few students have chosen that."

"Great!" I grinned. "So it's due in two weeks,"

"I suggest we work on it outside of school." Arrow leaned back in his chair.

I nodded. "Did you want to start tomorrow?"

"We could start today after school? So we get it done sooner and it's out of the way."

I shrugged. "Sure. You can come over then."

"Sounds good, Princess."

I rolled my eyes. "Don't call me that. You stopped and than started again, why?"

"Well you seem to be feeling better now."

"Since when do you care about my feelings?" I scoffed.

"I don't, but you're scary when you're angry. But I'm not a fucking asshole and want to make you feel worse than you already do."

I nodded. "Well you can come over at six if that works for you?"

He nodded.

Class ended and I soon bolted out of that school to avoid Mercy trying to talk to me. I got in my car and drove back to my house.

I ran a hand through my hair before flopping on the couch. It had been a rough day, acting completely okay was hard. I wanted to be okay, I kept telling myself I was okay...But I don't think I am.

Tears fell down my face as I looked out the window. I needed to stop crying, I was dumb to let him hurt me like this.

I wiped my tears away just as I sat there than I went straight up to my room. I didn't want the staff seeing me cry, it was hard enough to get them to leave me alone all weekend but I can tell they're worried about me.

I love my staff and they're more family to me than my own mother and father are, I just wish I had my mom's shoulder to cry on. A mother who would actually care about her daughters heartbreak. If I told my parents what happened, they'd send a driver out to buy me a new Birkin bag. I know most people would love and accept that, but I just needed parents who cared.

I decided not to care if Arrow seen me dressed badly so I threw on a pair of grey sweat pants and a blank tank top before throwing my hair up into a messy bun.

Six soon arrived and my staff sent Arrow up to my room.

"Your house is nice, Jo." Arrow said as he walked in.

"Thanks." I got up from my desk with my books in hand and sat on my bed. "So where did you want to do the project?"

"Your bed seems like a pretty good choice to me." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes. "The floor it is."

"Not downstairs?" He shrugged his leather jacket off and put it on my pink desk chair.

"I don't want the staff to bug me today." I told him.

"You really are a princess." He sat and sat down.

I looked at him and wanted to get mad. "Please just don't."

Arrow's eyes searched mine and chuckled. "Relax, Princess. It was a joke."

"Whatever. And don't call me princess or Jo." I told him and opened up my book.

"Where are your parents?"

"Why are you asking that?" My eyes met his and I quickly broke the stare.

Arrow shrugged. "Just making conversation."

"Don't." I told him and started looking for a certain chapter.

"I'm just trying to be friendly, Princess."

I ignored him and flipped through the pages until finding the one I was looking for.

"How are you getting revenge on your ex?" Arrow asked as he leaned against my bed and put his hands behind his head.

I do have to admit he was hot, very hot.

"What? I'm not getting revenge." I lied.

"Mhm. You know, I could help you." Arrow offered.

"Help me? Help me how?"

"Anyway you want." He shrugged. "Andrew hates me so just about anything with make him aggravated."

Arrow was offering to help me, huh? Well that could play into my plan.

~Thank you so much for reading! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!

I love you guys so much! Thank you for reading!

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