Chapter Ninteen

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I decided not to write Christmas.... don't hate me I just didn't want to write about Christmas in May haha! Enjoy the chapter!

                 It was a few days into the second semester and I was so excited for prom to approach in April. I couldn't wait to be going to prom with Arrow. At least I hope he asks me, but if he didn't within a timely matter I could always ask him.

"Hey," Arrow said and he sat down at our lunch table and put his arm around me.

"Hey, Baby." I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"How was class?" Arrow rubbed the small of my back while looking at me.

"It was alright, how was your classes?"

"Would have been better with you but at least I have the last two period with you." He smiled.

I leaned over and kissed just being our friends sat down. "Hanna!" Alec groaned. "Stop."

"You're just jealous I'm getting some and you aren't." I giggled.

"Woah!" Alex held up his hands. "Arrow is a very attractive man, but I love pussy."

Jonathan rolled his eyes. "Just shut up and eat, Alec." He laughed. "It'll make everyone happy."

Alec grumbled and rolled his eyes.

It was amazing that my friends were so accepting of Arrow and accepted him into our group. They made such a great effort and he fit perfectly.

It's insane how happy I was, how happy Arrow made me.

I was lucky enough to spend the holidays with Arrow's amazing family. I bought him and his family so many gifts which they insisted they didn't want. Even though they insisted they didn't want gifts, I loved buying people things. It made me feel happy and I loved the smile on their faces.

Arrow gave me the cutest present, he bought me a necklace with an A on it. I was his.

The necklace has became my new favourite item. I wore it every single day, it made smile every time I seen my reflection and I had my necklace on.

My hand went to my necklace as I smiled.

"You're adorable," Arrow whispered in my ear.

When the bell singled for us to head to class, Arrow grabbed my hand and we headed to class. We sat down in the back and he put my arm around my waist.

"Are you excited for your birthday?" Arrow asked as he played with my hair.

"Only to spend time with you," I smiled and looked up at him. "I don't really want to throw a party this year."

"Just don't, Baby."

"I have to, I have a reputation. I'm expected to throw parties."

"You don't have to, Jo." Arrow said.

"I do, my popularity is me. That's who I am, I'm the popular, blonde, rich girl."

"You're much more than that to me," Arrow kissed the top of my head. "You don't need to throw a party to show your worth."

"My popularity is all I have." I crossed my arms over my chest. I don't understand why he wasn't getting it, it wasn't hard to understand.

"It's not all you have, Johanna."

I turned my head and looked up at him; into his dark eyes. "Yes it is, Arrow. My popularity is all I have."

"Really? You're telling me that's all you have?" He raised a brow. Something in his eyes changed, they were as soft as they were just seconds ago. Why was he getting so upset?

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