Chapter Twenty Four

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             It was a bit chilly in my room, I must have forgotten to close the window or turn up the heat when I came home last night from my party. My party...

I brought my hands to my eyes and rubbed the sleep out of them before rolling over. My head hit Arrow's hard chest. Arrow.

I lifted my head and looked up at him. "Arrow,"

Arrow groaned and pulled me closer to him which caused me to giggle. "Go back to bed, Baby."

"No, I wanna cuddle with you," I told him and kissed him.

He kissed me back before moving me on top of him. His large hands went to my hips as he smiled.

"I'm so happy you came to my party last night, Ar." I ran one of my tiny hands through his dark curls. "I love you." I let out a happy sigh.

"I love you." He smiled at me and kissed my forehead. "I have a gift for you, it's in my pants pocket."

I looked at him and pouted. "I don't want to get up, Ar."

"Come on, Princess."

I let out a groan before rolling off of him and grabbing his pants. I dug out a black box from his pockets and sat back down.

"Go on," Arrow smiled. "Open it."

I shot him a smile before opening it. Inside was a silver bracelet, on the bracelet there were a bunch of little Charms. "Babe, this is beautiful."

Arrow sat up and took the box from me. He carefully took the bracelet out, "the charms all mean something."

He showed me the first charm, it was a book. "A book was the closest thing I could get to history related things, it's represents our time together in history class."

That melted my heart.

"The tiara of course represents you, because I call you princess. The little charm people kissing is us, because we have incredible kisses." He let out a chuckle which made me smile. "The snowflake is for when we went to walk around the park to see the Christmas lights. The star is for when we watch the stars  at night and cuddle but also because you're my star. Lastly, the heart is for I love you. It was how I wanted to tell you for the first time."

"Arrow!" I bursted into tears and threw my arms around my boyfriend. "It's so beautiful! You have no idea how much I love this and how sweet it is that there's a meaning behind every charm."

"We can add more too, I have one more for you to add." He grabbed his pants and dug out a tiny, silver charm. Arrow put it on the bracelet and handed it to me.

The tiny charm said prom.

"Will you got to prom with me?" Arrow asked wit a smile.

"You're asking me to prom?" I couldn't believe this was happening, he was asking me to prom in such an adorable, unique way.

"Of course I am, Princess. I'd never give up the chance to see you look like a Princess. So? Will you?"

"You know I will!" I laughed before kissing him hard. "I love you so much."

Arrow chuckled, "I love you so much, Princess."

"I don't ever want to lose you again," I told him as I nuzzled my face into his neck. His scent was so comforting while I laid in his arms, I felt safe and like he was my home.

"You won't, I'm so sorry."

"I'm sorry," I mumbled. "It was my fault, just put my bracelet on."

He chuckled before sliding my charm bracelet onto my hand, it looked perfect. "I love it,"

"I'm glad you do, I picked it out all on my own. My mom nearly cried after I showed her, she thought it was adorable."

"It is, I love it. I can't wait to add more memories to the bracelet. More of our memories."

"I'm never letting you go so we're going to need a bunch of bracelets." Arrow smiled before kissing my forehead.

"Good," I kissed his cheek before laying my head on his shoulder. "I wanna lay in bed all day with you and watch Disney movies. Princess movies to be exact, but I still want you to fuck me."

"Done, so done. I think we should have a shower though."

I lifted my head off his shoulder and he leaned down a little bit. "I want to press you against that glass wall and make you scream my name while I pound into that tight pussy of yours."

"You make me so horny, I've never wanted sex more than when I'm with you. You make me feel so good during sex."

"Sex is part of a relationship, both parties should feel good. I'd never make you do anything you don't want to know, you know that." He moved some of my messy blonde hair away from my face. "I just can't believe you're mine, my girlfriend."

"Get used to it, it's going to be hard to get rid of me." I giggled.

"Tell me about it, I couldn't stop thinking about you after we broke up. It was day and night, I couldn't get you out of my head."

A smile spread across my lips, "I couldn't stop thinking about you either, even when I found something to distract me... Andrew... he messaged me."


"During the break up, he messaged me. He made a new Snapchat account to message me-"

"Please tell me you didn't fuck him while we were broken up, Johanna. Please." The look in his eyes was heartbreaking. I couldn't believe the sadness that had filled his eyes just brining that up.

"Baby, no," I touched his soft face. "I would never do that. My feelings for you couldn't have gone away that quickly, they would never go away just like that. Did you..." I trailed off not really wanting to know the answer to my question.

Arrow rubbed the back of his neck.

"Are you serious? You fucked someone else?"

"No!" He rolled his eyes.

"Why didn't you answer me?" I asked as I claimed off his lap and crossed my arms. If he was going to be like that, I could act the same.

"No, I didn't sleep with anyone else. I got crazy drunk one night at one of Ethan's parties and kissed a girl. It didn't go any further than that, you were on my mind and I felt guilty after kissing that girl. Even though we weren't together."

I nodded.

"Hey, don't be like that. I love you, you know that. Jesus, I just love you so much. I don't even know how to explain it because it's so crazy how this all happened, how crazy we got together and fell for each other. I never thought I'd be dating Johanna Mills but here I am, with the most beautiful, sweet, kind girl in the world who I get to call mine."

"You're sweet," I told him with a smile. "I'm lucky to have gotten you as a boyfriend, I don't think I would have made it out of my breakup with Andrew without you. You made me feel so happy and you made me forget about it with the revenge that seems so dumb now but felt so good at the time. Just to think, revenge brought us together."

"I know, thank god for Andrew not knowing how to keep his tiny dick in his pants and Mercy for being the worlds shittiest best friend."

"I'm glad you moved back to town, if you didn't, I'd be dating another scumbag. Another Andrew."

Arrow kissed my forehead before pulling me close. "I'll never be a scumbag, all I want to do is love you."

"I think ordering me a some crepes would show your love for me. I gave Mary a few days off so she could go on vacation with Richard."

"You have a kind heart, Princess. Now get that sexy ass in the shower."

I let out a giggle before throwing a pillow at him and going to into the bathroom.

~Hope you all enjoyed the chapter! Thank you so much for reading and let me know what you thought!

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