Chapter Fifteen

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A few weeks later:

"Yes!" I giggled as I grabbed my bag out of my locker. "I can't believe we just finished exams!"

It was know the middle of December and we had just finished our exams, we would be going on Christmas break this Friday but Arrow and I had already finished our last exam.

"I know, first semester of senior year was over already." Arrow shut my locker and took me out to his car.

During these few weeks we had grown closer, a lot closer. We were like best friends, we knew so much about each other know. I spent basically every night at his house considering my parents were never home. But he also spent a lot of time at my house, we couldn't abandon Twix.

Our friendship was really interesting right now. The last time we kissed was in early November, at his sisters grave.

Arrow looked down at me with a smile. "I think Jasmine would have loved you. You're everything she loved you would have been best friends with her." He chuckled.

"I'm glad I at least know Lilian, and if she was anything like Lilian, I would have loved her,"

Arrow smiled down at me. "She died in the town we were living in before but since my parents wanted to move back here, they had her buried here. So we could easily visit her whenever we please."

That made me smile, they loved her so much and it's so awful they had to say goodbye to their child. A parent should never have to do that. It's heartbreaking, but their family was so strong and loved each other so much. I'm glad Arrow had his family to get through when she died, I'm glad they had him.

Arrow turned towards me and he slowly leaned down before our lips met. He moved his puffy soft lips against mine as I did the same.

His large hands went around my waist and pulled me close to him.

I let out a sigh just thinking about that kiss. It was so good, so soft and unexpected.

"Mom said you could stay over again." Arrow smiled.

"Would your parents be okay with you staying over? I want to be with Twix tonight." I answered honestly. I needed to show my baby boy some love, I already bought his a bunch of new toys and treats along with his favourite soft food.

"I'm sure they wouldn't mind, they know we aren't having sex." He chuckled. He was right, his parents seen our friendship and trusted us together alone. I found it odd but Arrow told me that they've never trusted him with girls alone before, it made me really wonder why me?

I giggled and put my bag into his car before getting into the passenger seat.

We headed to his house and we just arrived as both of his parents were getting home. Eric got out of his car with Lilian. Lucy also got out of her car, she was in pink and black scrubs.

"Hi, Jo!" Lilian grinned at me.

"Hey, Lil!" I smiled and followed them into house.

"How was work?" Arrow asked his parents.

The both responded to with good and asked how our last exams went.

"Is it okay if Arrow stays over at my house tonight?" I asked Lucy and Eric.

"Sure, Honey." Lucy smiled as did Eric.

"Are your parents going to be home for Christmas?" Eric asked.

"I'm not sure."

"You're more then welcome to stay here."

My face lit up. "Really? Thank you so much."

"You're family now." Lucy added with her kind smile.

"Thank you." I sat down and talked with his parents and Lilian as Arrow gathered an overnight bag.

Once he was finished, we said our goodbyes and went to my house.

As soon as we entered the house and closed the door, Twix came running down the stairs and over to Arrow. Twix let out a loud meow as he rubbed up against Arrow's leg.

Arrow set down his bag and picked Twix up. "Hey, buddy." Twix purred and laid his head on his shoulder.

"Wow." I said as I rolled my eyes. "My baby boy doesn't even want me anymore."

Arrow smirked. "He just likes me better."

"Yeah okay, as soon as I lay down, he'll come and lay on my boob."

"Well your boobs are pretty great."

I rolled my eyes one again before heading into the kitchen where I grabbed an apple from the bowl on the white marble counter.

I pressed my self against the island before jumping up and sitting on it.

Arrow came into the kitchen with Twix still in his arms. Twix was cuddled up against him with his eyes closed as he purred loudly.

"I'm gonna change and come back down."

I nodded as I watched him put Twix on the counter who let out an annoyed meow.

Arrow chuckled before heading upstairs.

I sat on the island eating my apple while petting Twix. He rolled over on his side and stretched his back legs as I scratched behind his ears. "My baby," I said to him and smiled at him.

Twix purées while I scratched his ears before rolling over again and licking my hand with his sandpaper like tongue.

Arrow came back into the kitchen now wearing black sweatpants and a white t-shirt.

He ran a hand through his curls before walking over to me and putting his hands on my thighs. His large hand were gentle against my thighs that were covered by dark black denim.

My eyes went to his large hands that were resting on my thighs. Arrow moved in between my legs and slid his hands up to my hips. My eyes moved up his body only to meet his dark brown eyes looking at me.

"Yes, Arrow?"

Arrow didn't say anything as he moved one of his hands up my body, his finger tips moved to my waist and all the way up to my check. He now had one hand rest on my hip and one hand resting on my cheek.

Arrow began to slowly close the gap between us  and his lips landed softly onto mine.

My arms moved to go around his neck as I moved my lips against his. Arrow moved his hand that was resting on my cheek to my hip and pulled me closer to him. My legs soon found their way around his waist.

Our lips moved together causing me to feel sparks fly between us.

Arrow's hands slid under my ass as he stuck his tongue into my mouth and his tongue moved against mine. He picked me up and carried me up the staircase and to my bedroom. We never broke the kiss as we made our way to my bedroom.

Arrow kicked the door closed and placed me in my bed. He pulled away from me and Tyler our a breath. "Do you want to?" Arrow asked me.

Did I want to have sex with Arrow? I did a lot, I felt myself become wet while we were making out. I really wanted to have sex with him. I wanted him inside me.


~Hope you all enjoyed this chapter and are ready for the next chapter! Thank you so much for reading and please let me know your thoughts about the book! I love all of you so much!

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