Chapter twelve

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Arrow POV
(Yes you read that right 😂♥️ Enjoy!)

As I laid in bed I couldn't get my mind off of the girl in my arms. She was incredibly stunning and so not who I knew a few years back, she was different from others girls.

The past month or so have been so interesting with Jo. She was so different from how she used to be, she used to be an absolute cunt. I'm sure that was Mercy's impact. She had a certain way with people and really impacted how they acted.

I hope she gets in a lot of trouble for hurting Jo.

She really did some damage to Jo and I felt awful. I never wanted Jo to get hurt, I don't want her to get hurt.

It was a couple hours later when my mom knocked on my door and came inside. "How are you feeling?" She asked Jo.

Jo lifted her head and looked at my mom. "I'm alright, I am feeling better then I did before."

She smiled at Jo. "I'm glad, Johanna. You look much better too. You should take some more medication."

I helped Jo sit up and gave her some pills with my water. I watched her as she took medication and washed it down with the water.

"Is your head still hurting?"

Jo nodded. "But only a bit, more of a slight headache now."

"I think you're safe to fall asleep, I know Arrow will watch over you to make sure you're okay though."

Jo smiled. "Thank you so much for everything."

"Of course. It is safe for her to be intimate, but please do use protection, I'm too young to be a grandmother."

"Mom we're not-" I tried to say before my mom left but she quickly left my room.

I ran a hand through my hair and looked down at Jo. "I'm sorry about her."

"Don't be, she's funny."

I rolled my eyes. "Do not encourage her, Princess."

"I'm tired." She brought her hand to her mouth and covered it while she yawned. "I'm gonna go to sleep."

She slowly closed her eyes and her grip on me loosened. 

Once I knew she was asleep, I slipped out of my room and went to the kitchen. I grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge and seen my mom at the island.

"Thanks again, Mom."

"You're welcome honey. How long have you two been together?"

"We aren't together, mom." I said as I leaned against the counter and drank my water. "We're just friends."

"I'm sure you are. She seems sweet, poor girl didn't deserve whatever happened to her."

"Her boyfriend and her best friend were sleeping together. She found them together at a party at the beginning of the year."

"Oh god, that's so horrible. How horrible of those two."

"And now they're harassing her." This whole situation was insane to think about. "I apologize for showing up with her here but she didn't want to be in the hospital. Her parents aren't around much so that means she'd be alone."

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