Chapter Eleven

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          Arrow slowly picked me up with one arm under my knees and one around my waist. I laid my head on shit chest and closed my eyes as we got into the car.

Arrow had called my driver so that he could take us to Arrow's house.

I had never been to Arrow's house and I've never met his parents, I didn't know how to feel about all this but I'm so happy I wasn't going to end up in the hospital.

I hoped his parents would be okay with me coming over.

"Hey, Jo, We're here." He said softly to me before helping me out of the car.

He went up to the front door and unlocked it. "Mom! Dad!" He yelled loudly through the house before laying me into the couch.

His house was nice from what I could see at the moment, but all I could focus on was my head pounding.

"Arrow! What the heck happened?" I heard a women's voice.

"A girl attacked her, mom. I'm begging you to please look her over, she really can't go to the hospital." Arrow pleaded.

"Okay. Okay. I need you to get my box of medical supplies out of the closet by the bathroom." She said.

"Alright." Another man's voice had said and I heard footsteps going up stairs.

Arrow's mom sat on the floor next to the couch and checked my head. "I need you to keep your eyes open, Sweetie." Her soft voice said.

I tried to keep my eyes open as she checked me over.

When her husband came down with the box, she got something out of it and made me take it.

It was less then an hour later that I was all bandaged up. I had learned that Arrow's moms name was Lucy and his dads name was Eric.

"I need you to sit up if possible." Lucy said.

I nodded slowly and sat up.

"You May have a mild concussion as it seems that she hit your head on the floor. I've given you some medication to try to sooth the pain and I'll give you more in four hours. For now, you'll have to stay awake."

"Okay. Thank you," I said weakly. "I really appreciate it."

Lucy smiled. "It's my pleasure, Honey."

Eric touched Lucy's arm. "She should be able to stay in Arrow's room with him."

Lucy nodded. "You won't have to stay awake for long, just long enough to make sure you're okay."

"I understand."

Lucky turned to her son. "If you can get her to eat and drink water, that would be good. She should stay awake for twelve hours and after that she should be okay to sleep. I'll be in in about eight hours to check on her and I'll leave the medication with you for her to take."

"Thank you, Mom." Arrow hugged his tiny mother and hugged his father too.

Arrow came over to me and picked me up before taking me to his room. "Don't try to seduce me," I joked.

"Oh, Jo. You're adorable." He shut the door behind up and laid me on his large bed. "You need to get out of this dress."

I nodded and sat up the best I could. I watched Arrow as he went over to his closest a dresser where he pulled out a pair of his boxers and a t-shirt for me to wear.

He came over to me and set them on the bed.

"Do...Do you need help getting undressed?" He asked while looking at me.

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