Chapter Twenty One

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                This past week at the beach house has given me so much to think about, it's made me think on my own and discover what I needed.

I haven't tried texting Arrow in almost a week since my messages have gone without a reply. I was still trying to figure out a way to win him back but for now, I've invited him to my birthday party which was on Friday. It was being held at a club my parents owned, it would be empty other then those I invited to my party.

I already sent out all the invites along with Arrow, I'm just hoping he shows up.

This week, I made sure Mary and Richard spent time together as much as possible since I didn't need them for anything while at the beach house.

Mary has been smiling a lot more since we same here with Richard and so has he. I do believe they've been getting intimate, which is gross but they're happy. It makes me so happy that Mary is happy, she deserves it.

As I was packing up my stuff to head back home, I received a message from security saying a package arrived at the house. I knew it was my dress, it was so beautiful and would make Arrow miss me for sure.

On the way back to the house, Mary sat at the front of the car with Richard which made me smile. Their romance was blossoming.

I took out my phone and texted Arrow: I hope you'll come to my party...I really would like it if you showed up ♥️

When I got home, I still had to go over the details of my party with our family party planner to make sure my party was perfect. I already arranged to have alcohol there and a safe driving service after the party. I hired out a driving company in order to make sure everyone would get home safe after my party. I didn't want anyone to get hurt.

After going over the final details, I felt so excited to just have a care free night with all of my friends- and hopefully Arrow. In my mind, if he showed up to my party, he still had feelings for me. If you didn't show up, he wanted nothing to do with me. That would break my heart even more, but I was confident he would show. I knew his feelings for me couldn't go away so fast.

Friday Morning

"Ms Mills! Happy Birthday!" I heard Mary squeal as she came into my room.

I smiled to myself before sitting up and removing my sleeping mask. Mary stood in the door way with a tray of food in her hands.

"Oh my god, Mary!" I grinned as she brought over the tray. She placed the tray in from of me which contained Nutella crepes with strawberries, Mellon and whipped cream. "Thank you!"

She knew this was my absolute favourite break and no one made it better than Mary.

"Happy eighteenth, Honey." Mary sat down on my bed and placed her hand on my arm. "I have something for you."

I shot Mary a look. "You didn't need to get me anything, having you in my life is a gift."

Mary smiled at me before putting a little black box in my hand.

I unwrapped the white bow that was tied around the velvet box before opening it up, inside was a beautiful gold bracelet with my name on it.

"It's so beautiful, Mary! I love it!" I handed her the box so she could put it around my wrist. "It looks so perfect on my wrist."

I leaned over the tray the was on my lap and carefully gave her a hug. "Thank you, thank you for everything, Mary."

I had a full day of getting ready for my party today, I had a nail appointment at noon which would last two to three hours and then my hair and makeup appointment all before my party tonight.

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