Chapter Thirty Four

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            I got back to my house shortly after I left the party. I had one of my drivers pick me up and take me home immediately, I let security know not to allow Arrow in the property and I blocked him.

When I got up to my room, I gently closed to door before pressing my back to it. I slid down it and tears started pouring down my face. I wanted to throw something or rip my hair out so bad, I didn't understand how this could happen. Why this would happen?

Why would he do all this to me? I loved him, I love him more than anyone. Everything was fake; everything was a game. I fell for someone who doesn't love me st all, he hates me.

He hated me so much he wanted to ruin me.

I felt like I had been crying for hours upon hours when I finally moved to my bed. I curled up in a ball and cried more: I cried myself to sleep.

When I woke up in the morning, I realized what happened last night wasn't a dream. It was all real.

Tears began to stream down my face again, the hot tears fell onto the navy blue blanket I had wrapped around me. No matter how much I wanted to stop crying, the tears wouldn't stop coming.

My phone was going off like crazy but I couldn't be bothered to look at it. It was my friends and right now, I couldn't face them.

When I did decide to check my phone I seen 89 messages from Arrow, and 75 missed calls. I had a ton of missed calls and messages from my friends and from security.

One from security was from a minute ago: Siara and Kenzie are here to see you, will we be letting them in or no?

I texted back: no.

I threw my phone across the room and screamed. My world was shattered, Arrow and Mary were all I had for family. My best friends were incredible but they had their own families, they're own shit to deal with so Arrow was who I had to confide in. He's been here for my breakdowns about my parents, he knew everything. I was so fucking stupid to tell him anything. Because it was never real or true.

I had no one now, I couldn't face my friends like this. Not like a broken girl.

Now is the time I wish I had a mom, a mom who was home and cared about her child instead of traveling the world and sending her cars as her token of love.

A knock on my door filled my room.

I looked up at the door and seen Mary come in. "Oh, Honey." She said and hurried over to my bed.

She sat down and pulled me close to her, that's when I let in all out and sobbed as loud as I could. I wish all the pain would just go away.

We don't ever get over our pain, we just learn to live with it.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Mary asked.

"No," I whimpered and let go of her.

"I let your friends in, Johanna."

"Why the hell would you do that?" I groaned.

"Jo." I heard Siara say from the doorway. With that, I felt the weight on my bed shift as Mary got up and left.

I rolled over before sitting up and looking at my friends. The girls rushed over to me and hugged me tightly while the boys stood at the end of the bed.

"Jonathan punch Arrow good for you," Kenzie told me. "Alex tried to jump in but the fight was cut up."

I looked over at Jonathan and seen he had a black eye. "I'm sorry," I whispered to him.

"Hey, don't be sorry. What he did-was doing, wasn't okay. You're one of my best friends and the black eye was worth punching him, in positive he has a black eye too."

I gave a tiny smile. "Am I really that horrible of a person?"

"Jesus, no." Siara said. "You acted as a queen bee but you never were so mean so people that this kind of shit should happen, you never put anyone down or made fun of anyone. You never excluded people. Mercy's a bitch, She's the one that did all that shit."

I nodded before wiping away my tears. "I loved him, I really loved him. We were going to the same fucking university, I got into Harvard but I choose to apply closer, somewhere in state."

Kenzie hugged me. "We're here for you, no matter what."

~Thank you so much for reading! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Next one will be later today! I love you all! Did you guys expect something was up with Arrow through the book??

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