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"Bill, Wait!"

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"Bill, Wait!"

Tiny Thompson exclaimed as she saw her friend walking up to the well house. Without a second thought, she climbed off of Stan's bike to stand in front of the steps where he stood.

"Bill you can't go in there!" Beverly stated, marching over next to the glassed girl. "This is crazy!"

Bill stared at the group harshly, "look, you don't have to come with me...But what happens when another Georgie goes missing?"

Tiny gave him a sympathetic look, her blue eyes piercing his.

"Or another Betty? Or another Ed corpran? Or one of us?" He yelled. "Are you just gonna pretend it doesn't happen like everyone else in this town? Because, I can't."

The Thompson girl took a slight step forward, looking like she wanted to say something. But she held her tongue. She doesn't wanna get in trouble.

"I go home and all I see is that Georgie isn't there...his clothes, his toys, his stupid stuffed animals but he isn't. So walking into this house...is easier than walking into my own." With that, the Denbrough boy began to walk toward the door once again.

"Wow." Richie sighed.


"He didn't stutter once."

Tiny gazed at the floor for a moment, before shaking her head with a small 'fuck it' before beginning to walk up the steps with the Losers.


Everyone turned to look at Stan, who stood a bit away from them.

"Shouldn't we have some people keep watch?" He suggested, looking around at the group. "You know, just in case something bad happens?"

Bill looked around, "w-who wants to stay out here?"

Everyone raised their hand except Beverly and Tiny, who had given her boyfriend a wide-eyed look.

"Ah fuck."

Ultimately, the decision was made that Bill, Richie, Eddie and Tiny would go inside. (Much to Stan's dismay.)  she didn't like it too much either, but she was doing it for Bill.

The minute they walked in the dilapidated house, a familiar feeling set in Tinys stomach. Her breath became shaky as she stepped further into it.

She tried to remain as close as possible to the group, fearing that if she didn't, It would take her too. Bill grabbed onto her hand, hoping to calm her down.

"I can't believe I pulled the short straw," Richie stated. "You guys are lucky we're not measuring dicks."

Tiny nudged him, not really wanting to hear his Trashmouth at the moment.

"Shut up, Richie."

Eddie looked around, "I can smell it."

"Don't breath through you're mouth." The Thompson girl informed, her hand still tightly around Bills.

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