Condom prank 2

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Jennie PoV.

Jennie: hello guys it's me, finally back with a prank.

I say as I pull up outside a convenience store with Sorn.

Jennie: I have a special guest with me, one of Lisa's closest friends, Sorn.

Sorn waves to the blinks

Sorn: hey blinks

Sorn smiles

Sorn: all Jennie texted to me when she picked me up from home is that I'm going to buy her condoms, you owe me this.

Sorn and I laugh, that's what I exactly said before I told her my plan.

Jennie: I'm actually going in to buy some condoms for the prank I'm going to pull on Lisa.

We were still sitting in the car talking to the blinks.

Jennie: I'm going to take 2 out and put them in my bag and see what Lisa's reaction is when she finds them, I'm giving Sorn the rest so she can use them with her boyfriend.

I get playfully nudged by Sorn.

Jennie: I've already set up the camera at home in our room, I'm going to tell Lisa to get something for me in my bag and then we'll see her reaction.

Sorn: Lisa is so going to kill me when she finds out about this

Sorn says with nervousness

Jennie: also Sorn can back me up when I reveal it's a prank to Lisa.

Let's hope this goes to plan.

Jennie: I was originally going to bring Bambam but I know he'll tell Lisa it's a prank, the reason why Sorn isn't going to tell Lisa is because she owes me one for the time I picked her up from a place 3 hours away from home.

Sorn chuckles

Sorn: I'm nervous for you because I know Lisa is going to go off.

Me and Sorn look at each other laughing.

Jennie: I told Lisa I was out with Irene but really I was telling Sorn about this prank and now we are here, I've been out for an hour now.

I nod

Jennie: I'm going to take Sorn of home and then I'll call her to prove to Lisa it's a prank, if she doesn't believe me.

Sorn claps her hands

Sorn: time to buy those condoms sis.

Lisa PoV

I was feeding the pets with Rosé then Jisoo came in.

Jisoo: Lisa, Jennie is Home, she went to your room.

I nod as I hand the dog food to Jisoo

Lisa: your turn.

I walk to mine and Jennie room to see her come out of the closet.

Lisa: hello princess, how was Irene?

Jennie walks up to me and kisses me.

Jennie: she's fine baby, what have you been doing?

Jennie says as she sits on our bed.

Lisa: playing on the Xbox and feeding the pets.

Jennie nods as she pats her pockets.

Jennie: Sweet face I think I left my phone in my bag, can you get it for me.

I nod and walk to her bag which she hung on the door. When I look in the bag I couldn't believe my eyes.

Lisa: why the fuck is there condoms in here?

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