17. Yoongi is sick

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• Min Yoona's pov •

I woke up at 7 a.m. I blinked my eyes two times before I finally adjust myself to properly sat down on my bed. I look beside me and there's no sign of Jennie. "Is she awake already?" My voice really sounded like a mad woman who just woke up in the morning.

I am the mad woman who woke up in the morning.

I stood up to finally start my day. I grab my towel and head on to the bathroom that I shared with Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin. I finished my business inside and came out thinking about what outfit I should be wearing for school. Later then, I pick up a black crop top hoodie, black skinny jeans, a pair of black timber boots and to top it off, I took with me a nice black cap with double rings on the left side of it.

With my looks been done, I grab my school beg that consist nothing but wallet, I walked straight to the kitchen since my tummy has been asking for Seokjin oppa's food all morning.

"Like always, my Yoon slay it all" Jennie said looking at my attire, sat there on one of the seat at the kitchen table top. "You're early, sweetheart" Seokjin oppa didn't even take a look at me while his hands are busy preparing the breakfast. "Just don't feel to wake up late today. I have a mood to be early so why not right oppa" I whisper the silent good morning towards Namjoon oppa who just passed by with just a towel wrapped on his torso. Probably just finished bathing and going down towards his respective shared room with Hoseok oppa. Namjoon oppa just gave me a big grin before he walk away quickly towards his room.

"I guess, today it's Namjoon oppa who is going to send us to school?" I asked when Namjoon oppa had finally make it to his room successfully without his towel got off him to embarrass himself.

"Yes he is. Since Yoongi a little bit unwell, Namjoon has made himself worthy by wanting to send you kids to school today. I'll pick you guys later in the evening" Seokjin oppa answered me. "I'm going to check up on him a quick second" I dismissed myself to Yoongi oppa and Seokjin oppa shared room. I knocked on the door softly and got in myself when I didn't heard any sounds.

"Oppa? Are you okay?" I slowly walk towards his side of the room. He's there lying on his bed looking so pale than usual. But on his forehead, there's a damp towel on it. "It must be Seokjin oppa" I talk to myself. I took the towel from his forehead and soak it into the bowl of ice water that Seokjin oppa put on Yoongi oppa's bedside table. I put it back on his forehead after squeezing to let the excess water away.

I kissed his left cheek before going out to the kitchen again.

"It must be because he's too worn out at his studio

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"It must be because he's too worn out at his studio. Oppa, don't forget to make him take his own medicine. He's bitter when it's about that" I spoke before taking my seat beside Jennie and Jimin who also just came out from his shared room with the other maknaes. "Morning angel" Jimin winked at me. Our outfits today matching each other. We both wearing all black. This is totally awesome.

"Morning chim" I kissed his one cheek like I always did. "And you're even kissing a friend now? What a sight" Jennie raised her right eyebrow looking at me as if I just grow another eye on my forehead. "Shut up, finish your breakfast and please do take Mark out. He's been bugging me about not asked him out yesterday".

"I am not familiar with this place yet. How am I supposed to bring him out with me?" Jennie blinked her eyes repeatedly and even tucked her hair behind her ears. "Don't worry, I'll go out with you two. I'll show you guys what's best in this area and after that we'll go to their school to pick up these kids in the evening. How's that sound?" Seokjin oppa offered to bring them on outing today.

"That sounds good though. You are so nice oppa" Jennie thanked him. "You're the best oppa" I showed him two thumbs as a reaction which he then pat on my head softly, caringly.

"Where's Taehyung and Jungkook?" Namjoon oppa came out from his room looking all fresh after a nice bath, looking good in his morning attire. He came out with white circle neck plain shirt, a mustard coloured cardigan and a light blue skinny jeans with his damp messy hair that he just let it be. It looks good on him. He looks good.

"We're here" then, both Taehyung and Jungkook came out from their shared room striving to the kitchen. "Eat fast or you guys are going to be late for campus" Namjoon oppa ordered before Seokjin oppa pour him a cup of fresh brewed coffee. "You're the best hyung" Namjoon opp let out a heavenly sigh after taking a sip from his coffee. The hyung line are really addicted to coffee so, this house really need fresh brew coffee everyday. They will never can run out of coffee in this house or the hyung line might go nuts especially Yoongi oppa and Namjoon oppa. They are the maniacs for coffee.

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