24. Thoughtless

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• Min Yoona's pov •

Another day without the boys with me at college. They were busy preparing for another comeback. Sometimes they don't even come back to the apartment at all. Being the good girl, good sister and good friend I am, I brought foods and clothes sometimes for them. At least they still can wash themselves and eat properly but most of the time they still tried to go home to have a little rest before working again.

So today I came back with no one's at home and alone. I don't know what to do so I decided to give the apartment a little touch of cleaning since I wasn't tired and wanting to have a little exercise I might added. It's not like the apartment was dirty and all, no. The boys really good at keeping it clean and it's not like I never clean the apartment with the boys too, I did but never clean the whole place since Jin oppa didn't let me tire myself so much. That is what he usually said.

I changed my clothes to something light and absolutely won't get in my way when I clean the whole place. "I should start with the kitchen and better not to mess it up or the handsome guy would be a beast for a goddamn kitchen" I tied my hair into a tight ponytail.

There's not much to clean for the kitchen since Seokjin Kim really serious when it's about 'not-to-mess-with-my-kitchen' stuff. Then, I brought myself to the living room and all the spaces in the apartment except for the rooms.

"I killed only 1 hour for most of the place in this apartment" really no jobs when it's about cleaning this apartment. I couldn't understand it. Isn't men supposed to be dirty? Why are they so clean? I mean come on! Give me some work to do please! They are seven young men! They should be a normal dirty young men! How am they are so clean like this? "This is no fun when I'm alone. I've got nothing to do if this house is so queaky clean" I groans to the pillow on the sofa in the living room.

Even the sofa smells so good. They are too perfect.

I walked myself to the first room I've had in mind. The maknaes line room.

I walked in to their room. Not so clean. I've always remembered Jin oppa always nagged them to clean their room. They always responded with 'we don't have time for that' ,  'it's just going to getbmessy all over again eventually' or 'we're tired' reasons. "No worries guys, today I'll help you guys out.

I started out with their beds and move all around their room. Then, I spotted a picture frame on Jungkook's bedside table. It's a picture seven of them all in it. The smile on their face makes me smiles too. They look so happy and each were so proud of themselves. They were smiling looking at the camera with hands on each other shoulders. The smile, the expressions look so vivid and undescridable happiness within. My heart was so touched only looking at it through the picture frame. What would it be like if I see it with my own two eyes? Live in the moment? It must be so overwhelming though.

I leave it as it is as I move on to another space to clean. I found myself attached to one of Taehyung's belonging. It's a drawing of a young boy with an old woman. The boy was wearing a school uniform and he looks like Taehyung and I pretty damn sure that was him and I bet the old woman sitting beside him was his late grandmother. He was standing beside her with hands poperly holding the old woman.

The picture looks lovely. I found it below his pillow. "He must've missed hs grandmother a lot these days". I put the drawing that was nicely framed into his bedside table's drawer. There, I found a picture seven of them altogether again. But this time it was their predebut photo together. Namjoon oppa with his procaimly silly hair, Seokjin oppa with his glasses, Hoseok oppa with his predebut looks, Yoongi oppa with his natural sunkiss black hair that I love the most when it comes to his appearance, Jimin with his chubby face, Taehyung who looks so innocent and unmature statue, and lastly Jungkook who look so tiny and vulnerable since he was very young back then.

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