65. LOVE

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The BayView campus was gorgeous. It was summer and it felt like the season had personally settled here. There were trees everywhere, great for my nature loving heart. There were people hanging out and having fun, and just generally enjoying summer.

It was big and spacious and really embraced the nature around it. Though you couldn't exactly see the ocean, until you went further outland, the smell still hung in the air. The sand was coarse and somewhat like near the ocean. Palm trees everywhere, but a lot of tropical plants.

The campus tour took a lot of time because of how big the campus was. Or maybe I just didn't have a frame of reference.

But the more I saw, the more anxious I became. It was new and exciting, sure, but was I really doing this because it made me happy?

How many options did I have?

Was I rushing to make a decision?

As my father and I finished up, it was two o' clock. I looked up at my phone to check the time, which I had kept at DND. 26 missed calls.

Two from Lee, but the rest from Kyle.

I kept it back inside, telling myself to forget it. This didn't matter.

"It's really nice here." My father commented as we sat on a bench. He wasn't wrong. "You'd love it here, I think."

I thought so too.

"Wanna drop in your application?" He asked.

"Oh, it's not open today." I lied. "I thought it was but I asked a student and he said, not for another week."

I thought it would be easier once I came here. Easier to know this was the right thing to do. But this had become even more difficult. I felt like I was splitting myself into two, trying to become two people. Like I couldn't carry a whole me wherever I went.

A part of me would always stay back there. I hated that. I didn't wanna try and move on with that, there was no way I wouldn't fail.

He raised his eyebrows, eyes sticking to a couple people who felt like freshman to me.

"Alright." He stood up, smiled down at me. "Let's go home."


As we came nearer to my home, I could feel him. In my bones.

So I was not surprised to see someone sitting, legs spread out in front of him, head back, looking composed as fuck. He lifted his slightly as we got out.

My father got out first, stars starting to twinkle overhead. "Kyle? Hello." He greeted him nicely.

I stood back, staring anywhere but him. "Beta Avans. Just needed to talk to Kaea."

"Oh." My father looked back at me, I remained stoic.

Then, Kyle was looking at me, and I suddenly realised how tired I felt. My brain felt tired, everything did with this constant jumping back and forth.

"Sure." I said, and my father went inside, not without a hundred curious glances.

He took a step forward, but before he could open his mouth, I interrupted him. "I am very tired."

He took another step.

"Kyle? Are you hearing me?"

Then he was standing right in front of me. "I called you about fifty times."

"I was busy. And did you not get the hint the first ten times?"

He rolled his eyes, but a small smile appeared on his lips. "I wanted to tell you something." He then paused too long, as if contemplating. My annoyance grew. I was about to snap at him when he suddenly said, "I love you."

I blinked. Was I so tired I was now hearing things? I was sure he had not just said that. He could not have said that- Kyle loves me. I'd say, yeah, he is kind of attracted to me, like I was to him. Yeah, we could be have become something. But he hated me so much, there was no way that he could love me with-

People are right when they say there is a thin line between love and hate.

"What?" He wouldn't joke with me about something like that now, right? I really, really hoped he wouldn't. Cause he'd have no testicles to speak of if this was a joke. My heart wouldn't be able to take it if-

"I love you. I wanted to tell you this morning, but you weren't here-"

I punched him. Straight on the nose.

"Ow!" He held his nose, cringing, and then laughed. "What the fuck, Kaea?"

"You think this is funny?" I asked him, rage and tears combining. I stepped forward, my hands in a fist again.

"No! No. I meant it." He looked into my eyes. "I know why you can't believe it, but I mean it- I love you."

I punched him again. "Don't say it. Just- don't say those things. You don't mean them, and you-"

Now the tears came, and I let them come, because fuck them. Fuck it all.

"You've always been a selfish, self-centred jerk! And the only thing you care about is you." I was standing very near to him, and his nose had turned red. His straight, greek nose- I broke it. "You," I jabbed my finger into his chest with every word, "just can't let me move on with my life."

I took a deep breath. "You just want me to be miserable, and you fucking know that I'd rather be miserable with you than happy without you." I was a crying mess, half-screaming.

"And you just keep on using that. Why, Kyle? Why? You don't love me-"

And then, he kissed me. It was the kiss from the past, it was him and me in the closet, it was him and me when he tried to kiss my tears away. He kissed me like I was his oxygen, like he would die without me.

And, I kissed him back. His lips felt like fire and ice. Soothing my pain away and lighting me up on the inside. I kissed him like this meant everything to me because I didn't know when and where, he had become my oxygen, too. I didn't want to live without him, and my heart caged itself without him and that pissed me off.

I was furious with myself. I was furious with him. He wasn't joking, he wasn't kidding and It was cutting me up. I wanted to believe him, I needed to believe him, and he had done so many things to prove it to me.

And then our tongues touched and I forgot what I had even been thinking. His hands were on my waist, and my were on his neck, and we were leaning against my father's car, and he-

Broke it off. I gasped.

"I just wanted to tell you. I promise. I just wanted to tell you."

I looked at his hands in mine. It felt so different, weird, alien, good and right. I should take my hand away, right? I didn't.

"I am not going to stay here. I am going to go. I am going to go away from you."

He flinched and froze, but his grip tightened on my hands. "Okay. I won't stop you."

But he already had. He already had. My tears started coming again. He wiped them away gently. "I want to stop you, but I won't. I promise."

But it felt like he already had.


Not all love confessions are always happy. But all of them are important.

This one is for all my readers, new and old. Monster was #4 in romance and the amount of support I received the past couple of days made me love you all so much more, and really motivated me to write another chapter.

I wanted to make it super romantic, but then again, Kaea and Kyle are Kaea and Kyle. They would only do things their way and no other.

I hope you are all enjoying the story!

In the media box, you'll find, "Love by Finding Hope". Yeah, this one is perfect for this chapter.  From the lyrics to the artist's name.

Love you guys!


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