Chapter 4

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Amelia trailed behind Spencer and JJ as they walked into the conference room. Spencer introduced her to the other four agents seated around the table. She smiled and said hello, instantly wishing she had put more thought into her outfit.

While the grey linen pants and white cotton long sleeve with converse seemed comfortable, she couldn't help but feel like a child in this room. She guessed Spencer couldn't have been too much older than her, maybe late 20s or early 30s, but all of these agents seemed infinitely more mature than her. It wasn't even their ages, but the way in which they carried themselves. The way they spoke held years of wisdom and their eyes all felt like they could read her in a second.

A tall man with an air of command walked over to her, a tight smile on his lips. "Unit Chief Aaron Hotchner. I assume Doctor Reid and Agent Jaraeu have filled you in?" You nodded at him, intimidated. "Great, have a seat if you don't mind." He gestured to a seat next to a man that Spencer introduced as Derek Morgan. He had warm eyes and, she couldn't deny, fantastic arms. As she took the seat next to him he smiled at her.

"Hi there, I'm Derek. I was hoping I could ask you a few questions, try to figure out the connection between you and the victims. Does that sound alright to you?" She nodded again, thinking that she forgot how to speak. Fidgeting with the ring on her finger she glanced around the room once more trying to calm down.

"How about this.." Derek started, standing up. "I know I've only had one cup of coffee yet today. Why don't we walk to that coffee shop down the street, caffeinate, and then we can get started after we get back?" he asked gently, sensing her nerves.

Amelia's face brightened at the thought of coffee and a walk. She had just gotten there, but she felt as if she'd been up for hours already. She also remember that her coffee sat on the kitchen counter at her apartment, forgotten about the minute Spencer and JJ knocked on her door. She made a mental note to text her dad and have him check once he got home.

"Oh my god, my dad" she blurted out. In the rush she hadn't even thought to call him.

"We can call him on the walk over. You can fill him in, and I'll answer any questions he might have" Derek answered reassuringly.

She glanced over at Spencer, who had taken the seat across from her. She had only known him for a few hours, but for some reason she knew she could trust him. She watched as he stood up and walked around the table to them.

"I think that sounds like a great idea, Morgan. Amelia, why don't you go grab your things? Derek can meet you by the door." Spencer said, turning and giving her a tight lipped smile. She sensed hesitation from him but agreed and left the room to get her coat and purse.


"Derek, we brought her here to keep her safe from this guy. Not to parade her around in a coffee shop." Spencer said, seemingly agitated. Derek was the most protective agent, let alone friend, he knew. And why was he so protective over this girl he's only known for a few hours?

JJ stepped over to him, resting a hand on his shoulder. She and Derek looked at each other in confusion. "Spence.. you know Derek's got this. They'll only be gone for a few minutes."

"Yeah kid, relax. If I can get her to calm down she might be able to open up to me more on our walk. I'll get your girl back in one piece" Derek chuckled, realizing what Spencer himself didn't. He may have been a genius but sometimes he could be oblivious.

"She's not my girl, she's just the first solid lead we've had in this case" he responded, sitting down and ignoring the looks they gave him.

As they left, Spencer settled back into the table. He studied all of the notes he had been making, starting to compile a list of places and hobbies Kelley Amada had. Since she was the closest in age to Amelia he thought it made sense to start there. Most of the list was coffee shops, concert venues, night clubs. He sat back and twirled a pencil in his fingers, picturing Amelia hanging out at one of these coffee shops. He formed a mental image of her, much more relaxed than she'd been since he met her. Curled up in a plush chair with a book, playing with that ring on her finger.

"Kid.." Rossi startled him out of it, waving his hand across Spencer's face.

"Sorry I was, just, trying to figure out the most logical place to start once they get back."

"Uh huh, sure" Rossi responded, not used to seeing Spencer so distracted.

Emily held open the door to the conference room. "Guys, we've got a problem. Press is out front and there's a lot of them. Derek's already spoken to them once, so if he returns with Amelia they're going to recognize him and.." She trailed off, knowing that the agents were picking up on her meaning. The last thing they needed was Amelia being featured on the evening news, and Emily didn't want to add one more thing to overwhelm the girl.

Spencer picked up his phone and dialed Derek. "Hey, there's.. yeah, you see them? Okay stay there, I'll be right out." Spencer looked up to the others. "Derek saw them as they were coming back but they were able to duck into a park. They won't recognize me, I'm going to meet them so Derek can walk in and give them a line and I'll bring Amelia in the back."

Emily nodded curtly and went to meet Derek out front. Spencer wrapped a scarf around his neck to protect from the October air and headed into the alley.


As he turned into the park he saw Derek on a bench with his hood pulled low, laughing at something Amelia was saying. She was waving her hands around animatedly, and Spencer couldn't help but grin at the site.

"Spencer!" She called to him, not knowing he had seen them. His stomach did a flip, realizing that was the first time she addressed him by his first name. He liked how it sounded when she said it. She continued talking to Derek, who was trying to compose himself as Spencer approached.

"...and then it took my croissant and jumped right in there!" Amelia said, gesturing to a nearby trashcan. "I mean, city squirrels are next level I'm telling you. Not to mention our pigeons, ech." Derek's shoulders shook with laughter. He had to admit, the girl was charming when she wasn't so tense.

"Kid, watch out for this one. She's got jokes. She had a story or anecdote for every place we walked by" Derek said, standing to leave.

"Y'know, Philadelphia was actually one of the first cities to import squirrels in the 1840s. The mayor at the time decided it would help foster an animal loving-ethos in people living in an otherwise urban area" Spencer immediately wished he had kept his mouth shut. He knew he had no filter, and normally didn't mind, but he didn't want Amelia to look at him like he was some weirdo.

Instead she looked dumbfounded. "You're telling me..someone actually brought squirrels here?! Why would they do that?" She asked expectantly, waiting for an answer from him. 

Derek started to walk away, a renewed fit of laughter brewing. "Later, squirrel boy."

Spencer just looked at Amelia, shaking his had in astonishment. He had braced himself for a look of confusion, but she was still looking at him like she was ready to hang on his every word. "I'll, uh, fill you in on the rest of my urban animal knowledge later" he said.

She stood up, stretching and tossing her empty coffee in the trash can. She looked so much calmer than she did earlier in the precinct, and he hated that he was the one who had to bring her back to reality.

"You ready to head back?" He asked her.

She walked over to him and looped her arm through his, he could tell she was mentally preparing for what was in store. He felt her grip on his arm tighten momentarily, then loosen almost as quickly.

Amelia let out a low, drawn out breath. "Let's get to it, Doctor."


the squirrel fact is true, in case anyone was wondering. 

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