Chapter 35

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While their relationship status changed, their work commitments did not. Spencer and Amelia's day started out as they had the day prior. Amelia settled into the desk in Spencer's living room, answering a few e-mails, before her phone rang.

"Hi baby, did you forget something?" She answered Spencer's call, glancing around the apartment to see if he had left anything.

"No Lee, actually uh.." She heard commotion in the background. "We just got called into a case. I have to leave for Seattle in a few minutes."

Amelia sat back from her computer, twirling a curl around her finger.

"Oh jeez. Okay.. do you want me to head home? I have your spare, I can lock up and-"

"Actually, I mean, you can stay if you'd like." He said, hoping she accept. He couldn't think of anything better than coming home in a few days to his girlfriend sleeping on the couch.

He could hear her smile through the phone. "Are you sure? I don't want to feel.. invasive."

"Lee, you could never-"

"Reid, wheels up." Amelia heard Rossi in the background.

"Go ahead. Be safe, please. I'll see you when you get home."

"I will. Bye, Lia."

"See ya, Spence."

She set her phone down and looked out the window. Obviously, she knew what his job entailed. They wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the BAU. But this was the second time he was going out into the field since they'd grown so close, and she felt her chest tighten slightly as it had last time he had informed her he was out on a case. This time though, she felt ever so slightly more scared than the last time. She knew he was good at his job, but psychopaths.. they could be cunning.

Thankfully she had a meeting for work, grateful for the distraction.

Being in Spencer's apartment without him was a weird feeling. She had finished up her work and settled into the couch. She grabbed her phone, thinking she had heard it go off.

Spencer: Hope you're doing alright. If you need anything, Penelope's in the area. I'll send you her contact info, and I gave her yours too.
Amelia: I'm okay, just settling in for the night. Thank you for the thought. Be safe, Doc.
Spencer: Always am.

Amelia tossed her phone down and flipped through Netflix. After a few episodes of Gilmore Girls her phone rang. She grabbed it and tossed it back down, not recognizing the number. Moments later she got a text from the number.

Unknown: Hi Amelia! It's Penelope, Spencer gave me your number, hope that's okay. Can you give me a call?

Amelia's stomach dropped, thought's immediately flying to worst case scenarios. She quickly called the number back.

"Hi! Thanks for-"

"Penelope, is he okay?"

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry. Spencer's fine, he's okay."

Amelia closed her eyes as her heart beat slowed back down.

"Amelia goodness, I am sorry. I shouldn't have made that text so ominous!"

Amelia couldn't help but smile, Penelope's voice so earnest. "It's okay, Penelope. I just wasn't expecting you to text, and then.."

"Oh, of course. I'm a ditz!" She laughed. "Anyway, the team landed is following up on the last round of information I gave them. I may have just accidentally ordered too much Indian food, and since I have some time, wondered if you'd like to drop by Quantico and eat with me?"

"Can someone just.. 'drop by' Quantico?" Amelia asked, amazed at the thought. Penelope's laugh rang through the phone.

"Not just someone, but we get special guest clearances. I can give your name to the guard, and then-"

"Dude, yes. Honestly, seeing your office would be so cool." She hoped she didn't sound as young as she felt, but she also didn't want to pass up an opportunity like that.

"Yay! I'll zap a message to security. I'll see you when you get here!"

Amelia tugged on leggings and one of Spencer's sweaters, grateful for Penelope's friendliness. She quickly grabbed her purse then Spencer's car keys, and headed down to his car while she pulled up directions to Quantico.

The security process to get into the building was just what Amelia had anticipated, but she still was nervous as she made her way through. She glanced at the info Penelope had sent her and pressed the button on the elevator. As she stepped off, she was greeted by Penelope dressed in a bright floral print dress, her glasses color coordinated.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so happy you came!" She squeezed the girl into a hug.

"I'm so happy you invited me! Don't tell Spence, but his apartment was starting to get lonely" she chuckled.

"Your secret is safe with me. Here, let me give you a tour quick!" She opened a glass door, leading Amelia into the BAU's bullpen.

"This is where the magic happens! Well, when they're not in the field I guess. Or the conference room" she pointed to the glass windows raised above them. "And this.." She pointed, "is Reid's desk."

Amelia walked over and glanced, unsurprised by the stacks of books. She noticed a beat up copy of the book about Philly's City Hall he had given her rested by itself in the corner, wondering where'd he'd gotten it since it seemed older. She picked up a photo that sat next to it, with a little boy and his mother. The boy had on a stripped shirt, and black glasses, a toothy grin on his face. The woman was beautiful, with strong cheek and jaw bones, and short blonde hair. She realized this was Spencer and Diana. Smiling, she set it back down.

"This is so cool, being able to see this. Thank you so much, Pen."

"Ooh, nicknames, thank god. Penelope can be a mouthful" the woman laughed.

"I say the same thing about Amelia!"

The two woman made their way to Penelope's office, exchanging small talk and dug into the takeout. Amelia glanced at all of the monitors, and was fascinated with all of her knickknacks and the stories that went with each one.

"Look, I may have had another motive to asking you here."

Amelia looked at her puzzled, not sure what she could possibly have wanted from her. As she started to explain that her boyfriend and Derek had been talking in secret, Amelia picked up on what the woman was missing. She may have been a genius, but she seemed oblivious to Kevin's intentions to propose. They talked it out, Amelia saying she needed to just be honest and tell Kevin that she knew something was up.

"Okay, you're right. Sorry, I just needed to vent and with the team gone, and Reid mentioning you were still here, I just-"

Her screen's lit up, a conference room with the team showing up on the other end of the camera.

"Garcia, I.. is someone with you?"

Suddenly Amelia felt like a child who had snuck into the teacher's lounge.

"Yes sir, sorry sir, I asked Amelia to come because I needed, ah, something."

Hotch nodded on the other end of the screen.


"Right!" She turned to Amelia. "So sorry, sweetie, you can't hear all this gloom and doom. Let me know you've made it home, please!"

Amelia nodded, glancing to Spencer's grainy face on the screen. After a beat she turned and left, wishing the distraction hadn't of ended.


not my fav chapter but everyone needs some ~separation~ lol

also I just wrote a 'thank you' for 2k like two chapters ago but... THANK U for 3k views! and for the few people voting for chapters, again, I appreciate you sm!

also also, this chapter and the next two are a lil meh, so ima drop all three tonight as a little *somethin* for y'all. I have 0 chill.

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