Chapter 15

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Spencer had left Amelia at the hotel in the supervision of JJ. JJ unlocked the door in front of them and led her into the room. She motioned to the doors on either side of the room. "This is a set of adjoining rooms, you've got Derek's on one side and Spence's on the other. No two better people to be between" she said, giving Amelia a reassuring smile. She returned the smile, although it didn't quite meet her eyes. She threw the bag down on the bed and couldn't believe it was barely eight o'clock. 

"Any chance we can get the government to pay for some room service?" She asked JJ with a chuckle. "I haven't ate since that bagel earlier."

"Uh, duh. Let's see, where's the menu.." She started looking around the room while Amelia settled in. "I can't find them, are you good while I run down to my room and grab one?" Amelia nodded, not minding having a second to catch her breath.

As JJ closed the door behind her, she collapsed face down on the bed and let out a long groan. She didn't know how much more she could take. This was one of the most mentally taxing things she had been through, which is saying a lot. She thought of her dad and grabbed her headphones so she could give him a call while she unpacked. 

"Hi, Pops!" She tried to sound cheerful.

"My lil bambina, how are you doing?" He asked, doubt in his voice. He knew how she tried to seem tough to everyone, but occasionally she would let him in. Edgar Vernand was grateful for the past 10 years he truly had been able to get to know his daughter. While her childhood was difficult for them both, they made up for lost time throughout her high school years. Now, she still lived with him and he felt guilty because he wanted her to stay but also knew she felt the need to in order to make up for their lacking relationship in her youth. He let out a sigh, and Amelia knew this was getting to him too.

"Dad, I've got the government putting me up in a swanky hotel in the city. You should see this place, it's-"

"Leelee.." He didn't use her childhood nickname often, and she deep a deep breath. "How are you doing?" He emphasized doing, really trying to be gentle.

"Dad.." Her voice started hitching. "I'm scared. I'm scared for me but this guys nuts, I'm scared for you and Abuelo and Abuela too. Who knows what he's gonna do! And the agents, they're amazing. I know they're doing what they can. Doctor Reid, the one I mentioned the other day-"

"Actually, that doctor called me this morning. Seems like a nice fella, smart too. But sweetie, you have absolutely no need to be scared for us. The Doc made sure there are cops stationed outside Abuleo's house at all times. We're safe here, you just keep your guard up. Remember everything I've taught you. Look for your exits, carry your pocketknife, cell phone.."

"Dad I will, I know. But.. you said Spencer called you?"

"Yeah, earlier this morning. Said he knew you were worried so he wanted to touch base with me, let me know how you were doing and what they were going over with you. I've gotta say, it was really nice of him. Didn't think the feds would take the time to keep your old man in the loop." 

She smiled, glad Spencer had made the effort to reach out to her dad. She knew he probably didn't have to, which made it all the more thoughtful to her.

"Also.. did I hear you call a federal agent, and a doctor at that, by his first name? Now that I think about it, he did sound young.. is he your age?" Edgar teased his daughter. 

"Oh god, pops. Knock it off, I've spent every waking second the past few days with these agents. Speaking off, Agent Jareau, or JJ as I call her, just got back with dinner so I've gotta go old man." JJ walked in the door, raising an eyebrow at Amelia who gestured to her headphones to indicate she was on the phone. 

"I'm teasing, kid." Edgar laughed at her reaction, he knew he'd get a rise out of her. From the way Doctor Reid had talked about his daughter, and based from her reaction to his comment, he thought there was more there than she was letting on. But if he was a ray of light for her during this, he was glad for his presence.

"Anyway Leelee.. thanks for calling. Please, please, be careful. Don't be thickheaded and try to do anything dumb. Keep your guard up." He urged. Normally she'd tease him for being overprotective but under the circumstances, she knew he was as worried as she was. 

"I will, pops. You too though, please. See you, love you, bye."

"See you, love you, bye Leelee."

She grabbed her phone and ended the call, turning to grab the menu JJ held out. 

"I heard you on the phone so I waited for a little, sorry I barged in though I'm starving."

Amelia waved her hand at JJ "Oh, you were not barging. He would've kept me on the phone all day and I'm hungry too."

"How is he doing? And your grandparents?"

"They're good as can be expected. Worried. I think Spencer calling them helped put him at ease a little" she said without thinking.

"Spencer called your dad?" JJ asked. They've been so busy, she wasn't sure where he would've had the time. And since Amelia is an adult, they had no need to keep family up to date with the investigation. She had noticed the two of them had gotten close over the days, but maybe she didn't realize just how much Spencer had started to care for Amelia.

"Yeah, my dad really appreciated it. Ooh, a burger and fries sounds phenomenal."

She heard JJ dialing and looked up. "Hi, can I place an order for room service? Yeah, 1104. Two burgers, medium, two fries, and order of fried pickles aaannnddd... a bottle of Pinot Grigio and one chocolate milkshake with two glasses."

Amelia started giggling, looking at JJ who wiggled her eyebrows at her as she confirmed the order.

"If I was going through this," she waved her hand around, "that's what I'd want when I got home."

"Jennifer Jaraeu, you read my mind."

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