Chapter 40

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Spencer left a few days later, needing to do some things at home. Amelia had a packed work schedule as December loomed in, only weeks away now. As she sat at her computer she pulled up her calendar, trying to plan out end of year meetings. Glancing at the week ahead, she felt like an idiot. How had she not realized Thanksgiving was this Thursday? She quickly picked up her phone and dialed Edgar.

"Pops, were you not going to remind me we have Thanksgiving this week?!" She smiled to herself, hearing Edgar chuckle on the other end. She knew she should've been responsible enough to realize the holiday, but she liked giving her old man a hard time.

"Amelia Marta, you're a grown ass woman now!" He laughed some more. "Nah, I was going to remind you soon. You've been so busy with work, and Spencer, and starting to get some normalcy back.. I didn't want to 'cramp your style'."

Amelia rolled her eyes even though he couldn't see her. "Okay first off, no one says that anymore. Secondly, I'm never too busy when it comes to holidays! You know I love when everyone gets together."

"Why don't you come over here after work? The abuelos would love to see you, and we can figure things out."

Amelia agreed to the plans and hung up with her dad. She input some meetings into her calendar before sitting back as Swoop crawled on her lap. She petted him absentmindedly, her mind wandering to Spencer as it has been when they're not together.

"I wonder if he's gonna go see his mom in Vegas, smoosh. What do you think?" She pondered to the tabby in her lap. Was it too soon in their relationship to ask his holiday plans? If he didn't have any.. would he even want to consider spending it with her family?

She knew her family could be a lot. A bunch of loud, crass people, but she loved them and they were a huge part of her life. Her aunt Denise, especially, meant a lot to her. With the absence of her mother, Denise had become a surrogate mother figure for her. In the hospital, she'd sneak her in a home cooked meal every day, wether she'd been awake or not. As an only child, Amelia found Denise's kids to be more her siblings cousins.

She figured she'd mention Spencer to her dad at dinner that night, and go from there.

After a giant home cooked meal by her abuela, they all sat around the kitchen table enjoying some pie Amelia had picked up from the market. She leaned back in her chair and groaned, shoving the plate away from her. "Ugh, Buela, I'm gonna need to run the mile home after this meal. Too good" she said, kissing her on the cheek as she picked up their plates to clear the table.

"Anything for my Lélé!" Amelia grinned at her pronunciation of her nickname, loving hearing it from her grandparents. "Alright, I need to help abuelo get ready for bed. I'll see you Thursday?" She asked Amelia.

Amelia glanced at her dad, a smirk on his face. "Of course! I wouldn't miss it." As her grandparents went upstairs, Amelia sat back down with her father.

"Okay, so Thursday. The usual? Us and abuelos, Uncle Chase, Denise, and the kids, Tio and Tia Muha and Cammy.."

"And.. maybe a certain FBI agent doctor man?" Edgar asked, an eyebrow raised.

"I uh, wanted to check with you first. I mean, I'm not even sure his plans, he might be going to see his mom, but if he doesn't have plans I was thinking maybe inviting him here if that's -"

"Leelee, of course it is. He is always welcome here." She let out a breath. She knew she had to ask him about DC, and this positive note seemed like a good time.

"Pops, another thing.. you remember Miranda?"

"The kooky one? She calls me 'E Money'. I don't get it, but she's a very nice girl. Wasn't she in Barcelona?"

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