Chapter 12

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Spencer leaned against the railing outside of the precinct, waiting for JJ and Amelia to get back from lunch. He didn't know why he felt so uncomfortable bringing the Tinder subject up with Amelia. This line of questioning was perfectly normal in this circumstance. 

But, if he was being honest with himself, he didn't really want to hear her answer.

"Spencer, you weren't kidding. I thought New York had the best bagels but Amelia just took us to the best deli. I got a dozen for us to keep in the conference room." JJ swung a brow paper bag in front of her, with Amelia carrying a drink holder behind her. 

"And, of course, more coffee" she said, handing one to Spencer. She could pick up that he was uncomfortable about something, he was doing this thing with his finger tips that reminded her of how she'd fidget. She glanced at JJ who also seemed to realize. 

"Spence, what's up?"

"Lia, do you mind sitting with me for a little bit? I, uh, have some questions I need to ask you."


Settling back into the couch in the office, Amelia turned to face Spencer. In the few days she's dealt with him this was the first time she's seen him so antsy which made her worry. Did they find something else that looked incriminating? Was he starting to doubt her? Or was he thinking about last night?

"Soo, what can you tell me about your, erm, dating life?" Was not the question she expected to come out of his mouth.

Amelia let out a short laugh. "Uhh, well, it's pretty nonexistent at the moment. Doctor Reid, are you trying to ask me out?" She meant to lighten the mood, but immediately felt her face flush at the implication. She saw a blush form on Spencer's face too, although he let out a small grin.

"Maybe, but not like this" Spencer said and cleared his throat. "Uh, what I mean is, we've noticed all of the victims were active on Tinder. Do you or have you had an account?"

Amelia looked down, she was always embarrassed that she used the dating app. She felt that at her age she had outgrown it but hey, what else was a girl to do?

"I uh, yeah. I've used it on and off for years but hadn't for almost a year now. With quarantine and all though, I actually just re-downloaded it recently."

"Okay, do any guys you've met on there stand out to you? Made threatening remarks, stalking tendencies.."

"No, none that I can think of. Most conversations I had died off after a day or two, and most dates were just first dates. I dated one guy for a few months about two years ago but he would never do anything like this." She shrugged. 

"I'll need his name and information, as well as the login info for your account. You did say you re-downloaded it, right?"

"Yeah, about six weeks ago."

Spencers head jerked up from the notes he was taking. 

"About six weeks? Do you have an exact date?"

"Uhm, I guess it would've been the beginning of September at this point.." She trailed off, scrolling through her phone to find the exact date. As she did that Spencer guided her up gently by the elbow and led her back into the conference room. 

"Yeah, September. Friday the fourth. Why?" She looked at Spencer who had walked toward the evidence board, noticing all the other agents stopped what they were doing to watch him as well.

"Reid, what've you got?" Hotch asked, walking into the room.

"Amelia and I were just talking about her Tinder account and I think I found the unsubs trigger. Amelia re-downloaded the app Friday, September fourth-"

"And Marleena Galvez was found dead on Saturday the fifth" Derek finished for him.

"Exactly. So someone who you interacted with, or even simply saw your profile, is our unsub" Spencer said, directing his words to Amelia. He watched as the color drained from her face and he went over to her, grabbing her arm and making her sit down. 

As if sensing the latest breakthrough a ring ran out over the computer speaker.

"Go ahead Garcia" Spencer called out, not taking his eyes off of Amelia. 

"Guys" Penelope said. Everyones eyes went directly to her face on the screen, used to the witty banter they weren't hearing right now. She looked somber, more somber than Amelia had seen her at least. 

"I think I've got him. I think I've got our unsub."

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