Chapter 23

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Amelia had sunk into a state of ever present dreams. In some of them, the BAU and Christopher didn't exist. In others, Christopher stabbed her in her legs over and over again. And yet in others, she met Spencer out in a coffee shop, accidentally grabbing his coffee, completely unrelated to Christopher and the FBI. Those were her favorite dreams. 

Her thoughts started to come back to her. She wondered: what happened to Christopher, is she alive, is her family worried? As these thoughts came, Amelia slowly became conscious of her body. Her limbs felt weighed down, her eyes cemented shut. She struggled to lift a hand to her eyes, rubbing them gingerly and cracking them open. 

Gentle light seeped in. It was nighttime, the only light coming from the monitors she found herself hooked up to and the buildings lit up outside of her window. She looked down at her body lying in a hospital bed and took account of her injuries. Her abdomen seized with pain when she breathed, causing her to let out a small cry.

Next to her Spencer jolted awake at the sound.

"Hey Doc" Amelia tried to say lightly, grimacing in pain. 

"Amelia" Spencer moreso breathed her name rather than saying it. He stood up and leaned against the bed. "Oh, thank god..." he realized he needed to alert someone that she was awake, and leaned over and pressed the nurses call button on her bed.

"Spence.. did you get 'im?" She mumbled. 

"We got him, sweet girl. He's.. he's in police custody. You're safe now."

A nurse walked into the room. "Glad to see someone's awake! I'm just gonna take your vitals now honey.." She went about her job, checking the monitors and assessing Amelia's wounds.  "How's your pain?"

"Uh, not great" she tried to say it calmly but she had to admit, it hurt just to blink.

"Alright, here we go. Gonna give you toradol for the pain. You're gonna feel better in a few minutes, just a little sleepy." The nurse injected the medicine into the IV before leaving the room.

"Is it helping? Do you need anything?" Spencer asked her.

"My dad?"

"He's been here the whole time, he just went home to check on your grandparents."

Amelia gave a small nod and reached for Spencers hand, then closed her eyes. "M'tired.."

"Get some sleep, Lee."



"Will you be here when I wake up? Do you have to go back to DC yet?"

Spencer was glad he had figured this out before she woke up, not thinking she'd even be wondering about that.

"I'll be here, sweet girl. I'm not going anywhere. Now get some rest."

A small smile spread on her face as she drifted off into a restless sleep. 


The next morning when Amelia opened her eyes for the second time in the hospital room, she felt much less out of it. Her head felt clearer and her pain was still present, but more tolerable. She looked around the room, noticing her dad reading a newspaper on a cot in the corner. 


Edgar's head whipped up and he nearly ran to her bedside. 

"Leelee.. oh thank the lord" he said, a tear falling down his cheek.

"I'm so sorry Papa, I didn't mean to scare y-"

"Sweetheart, shut up" Edgar chuckled lightly. "If you apologize to me, or anyone, or in anyway whatsoever take any blame for what happened, I'm gonna lose it. This was all that boy's fault. He never should have made you feel threatened to begin with, let alone what he did to you and those girls.. I can't even think about it. He's sick, and you did no wrong."

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