Chapter 47

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Amelia found herself in a haze the rest of the evening, functioning as if on auto-pilot. She laughed at the jokes, smiled at the stories, ignored concerned glances from Spencer.

As they left the restaurant, Spencer helped her into her coat. As she spun around he gently grabbed her waist, lowering his face to hers so no one could hear him.

"You okay?"

"Yeah babe, I'm fine" she replied, giving him a smile that no where near reached her eyes.

"Look, if this about the other night, I-"

She grabbed his face in her hands and tip toed to give him a kiss. "Baby, I'm okay. I promise. Just tired from getting ready for the move and stuff, today was long." As if on cue, Miranda interrupted them. 

"I know there was talks about going out for drinks, but I'm downright beat. Do ya mind if we head back to the hotel?" She asked Amelia.

Overhearing her, Penelope and Emily came over.

"Nooo, you guys have to come!"

"There will be plenty of opportunities for drinks when we move next week! Speaking of, we'll have to plan a night out to celebrate" Miranda said, quickly exchanging her number with the women.

Spencer couldn't help but stare at Amelia, trying to read her. Finally he stopped, running a hand through his hair.

"Let me walk you to your hotel?"

"Of course" Amelia replied, taking his hand. 

Miranda led the way, chatting on about the evening. 

"-and Rossi picking up the bill was so nice! I couldn't believe it. Oh also, Spence, do you happen to know if Emily is seeing anyone? I was thinking of asking her out, but.."

"Actually, I don't think she is right now" Spencer answered with a chuckle, as the small blonde woman grinned back at him. 

As they reached the front of their hotel, Miranda bid them goodnight and went inside. Amelia turned to look at Spencer, shivering as she tugged her coat around her. Spencer reached down and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her in close. He rested his cheek on the top of her head, sensing her unease. 

"I love you, sweet girl."

"I love you too" she said softly. He went to pull out of the hug, but she pulled him back not wanting him to see the tear that ran down her cheek. She quickly wiped it away and drew back.

"So, uh, I'll see you Friday?"

Spencer gave her a small smile. "You bet, big move day." He drew her back into another hug, unable to escape the feeling that something wasn't quite right. He felt her squeeze tight, her fingers pressed into his back. She withdrew and gave him a smile. 

"Can't wait, Spence. Love you, let me know when you get home."

"I will, love you too Lee."

He watched her turn and go inside, trying to shake the unnerving feeling in his gut. He felt as if she were putting on face, but he just couldn't figure out why.

Wednesday rolled around quickly. Amelia had taken the rest of the week off in preparation for the move, and had spent her days packing, cleaning, and organizing. Spencer was supposed to be on a case but had to stay home due to a stomach bug, which meant he was consulting on the case from home. She didn't mind, since it had left him busy but he was safe at home. She still didn't know what to tell him, if anything. As she packed, her mind kept turning over the facts.

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