Chapter 41

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Wednesday rolled around and Amelia found herself busy. While she had her work laptop open, she was too busy cooking at her Aunt Denise's to check it. They were in the kitchen, baking rolls and sweets for the dinner the following evening. 

Amelia loved holidays, any excuse for her family to all be together and share a meal really. Her dad and uncles, who were her dad's brothers, would always drink too much whiskey and end up telling stories about the trouble they got into as kids. There was endless amounts of food and Amelia always was able to snag enough leftovers to feed herself for the following week. And she loved seeing her cousins, chasing them around her abuelo's big house and playing games with them while they waited to eat.

"So, that boyfriend of yours coming tomorrow night? You know, it's pretty rude that I haven't met him yet" Denise asked her niece, raising an eyebrow. She pulled down a bottle of wine from the cabinet and poured two glasses, offering Amelia one. She gladly accepted as she brushed her flour coated hands on her apron.

"I'm actually not sure yet" she said, looking at her aunt over the wine glass as she took a long sip.

"It's the night before!"

"Deni, he works for the FBI! I'm pretty sure that's a solid reason for not knowing holiday plans yet." She meant what she said. She could see how some people may get irritated at the last minute notices, or abrupt changes in plans. But to Amelia, she was just grateful for the times that did work out and she was able to see Spencer. She knew how passionate he was about his job, and she'd never try to make him prioritize it lower. 

Denise sighed as she rolled out dough for the sweet conchas. "I know, I know. I just wanna meet him. You haven't brought a boy home in.. god, eight years?"

Amelia rolled her eyes at her aunt. She hadn't had a 'boyfriend' since she was in high school, and anyone she had casually dated hadn't met her family. They'd been teasing her about it for years, but she'd never taken it to heart. She knew she'd feel okay with the thought of bringing someone home when they were the right person.

"I mean, did you want me to bring home any person I happened to meet at a bar? Or on Tinder? Because that would've went over well with the abuelos" she laughed. 

"I kid, Leelee. But, in all honesty, you seem.. great. Considering everything that happened last month, you actually seem better than ever" her aunt said, looking her over. 

"What can I say? Working non-stop and dating Spencer has done wonders for my life" she half joked. Her phone rang, and she excused herself, stepping into the backyard. 

"Hi baby. How's the case?" She asked, trying to feel out where he stood with work.

"Actually, we caught the unsubs late last night. Well, early this morning I guess. It was like 4 AM. Anyway, I'm back in DC. I was wondering if that invite to dinner tomorrow still stood?"

Amelia resisted the urge to squeal, and instead danced around the backyard silently, pumping her fist in the air.

"Of course, dummy. As long as you're okay with the idea of spending a night with my very nosy family."

"If the food is anywhere near as good as you described, I'd deal with the ten circles of hell" he replied. "But, I do have a stipulation for you."

"And what's that?"

"Rossi is having a dinner Friday night, a team thanksgiving. Everyone will be there, and I'd love if you went with me."

Amelia's chest warmed, partially from the alcohol but also from Spencer's request. This will be their first time seeing the team after officially going out, and she knew they were going to tease him endlessly. She couldn't wait.

Strange Encounter - a Criminal Minds ficजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें