Chapter 27

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Monday morning rolled around and Amelia found herself unable to focus on anything. After her first meeting of the day, she blocked off time on her calendar so she could pack uninterrupted. She turned on a dancey playlist and stood in front of her dresser, not sure what to pack.

'Shit. I have no idea what we're doing..' She said to herself, tossing a variety of clothing in her small suitcase. Mostly comfy clothes, but a pair of jeans and a skirt with a few nice tops to be safe. She packed her toiletries, makeup, and shoes and realized she had been quicker than she thought.

She sat back down at her computer and typed up a quick message to her manager.

Amelia Vernand (HR): Hi Maggie! Sorry for the last minute notice, but I'll need to take a sick day tomorrow. I have a follow up appointment with my doctor about getting some stitches out. I'll be back on Wednesday!
Maggie Carlo (HR, VP): No worries, Amelia! Let me know if you need more time off. 🙂

Amelia felt a little bad lying to get a day off work, but she'd rather play hooky and spend a day off with Spencer while she could. After she sent off a few more emails, she picked up her phone and sent him a message. Her phone dinged seconds later with a response.

Amelia: Looking forward to seeing you later! My train gets into Union Station around 6. What's your address? I can catch an Uber from there.

Spencer: Nonsense, I'll pick you up. I'll see you then.
Spencer: Oh, and I cannot wait to see you, beautiful.

Amelia made a small squeal reading his message, and couldn't help but feel butterflies in her stomach. She hadn't dated in some time, the last guy she casually saw was over three years ago and she had never felt anything like this with him. She put her phone down and started pacing in her kitchen.

She was scared about how much she liked Spencer, which is why she didn't immediately say that she liked him back in the hospital. She knew logically all of the cuddling, the hand holding, whatever, was indicative of dating but she still held reservations in the back of her mind. What could someone like Spencer, a genius with a jawline that would make Robert Pattinson jealous, possibly see in her? He was an accomplished FBI agent with a boatload of degrees. She, on the other hand, took six years to get her undergrad in Women's Studies and worked a barely entry-level job.

She sighed, packing up her work things and shoving them in her backpack. She wasn't sure where things could possibly go with them, but she knew she couldn't resist the desire she felt in her gut. She needed to see him, no matter how her heart would be effected in the end.

Spencer looked in the mirror next to his door before grabbing his keys. He ran a hand through his hair, trying yet again to get it to cooperate, but let out an exasperated sigh before giving up. He gave himself one last look over and ran down to his car.

His nerves caused his knee to bounce while he drove, something that he realized was probably not the best thing while driving. He had never shared so much of his life with someone he was dating. Were they even dating?

Sighing, he tapped his fingers anxious on the steering wheel.

He had spent the past 12 hours cleaning his apartment, trying to fit as many books as he could on the overflowing shelves. He'd went grocery shopping, something he didn't do too frequently, to make sure there were plenty of meals and snacks for Amelia while she worked from his apartment.

Spencer wasn't used to having people stay at his apartment. Come to think of it, the only person who'd ever stayed with him was his mother once for a visit, and Derek a few times when his house was getting work done. All the women he'd casually seen over the years rarely stayed over, and if they did he'd tend to have them leave first thing the next morning. He'd typically tried to go to their places, he found it easier for him to control when he wanted things to be over.

He pulled the car over at his favorite cafe near Quantico, knowing Amelia would love their coffee. He ordered a red-eye for himself, and a iced caramel macchiato with an extra shot, her favorite drink. As he walked back to the car he spotted a florist stand across the street. He quickly jogged over and assessed the inventory.

"Spencer! Hey, Reid!"

He whipped around, greeted by Penelope dressed head to toe in bright yellow. Taking it as a sign, he picked up a bundle of sunflowers as she walked over to him.

"Why, are these for moi?"

"Isn't that what Kevin's for?" Spencer chuckled.

"Soooo, are you gonna make me ask?"

Spencer grinned, looking down at his feet. "Uh, I'm my way to pick up Amelia actually."

"Oh my gosh!! She's coming here?! For how long? Can I meet her?" Penelope squealed. She had only talked to the woman briefly via teleconference while on the case, but her dry sense of human appealed to Penelope. Also, Penelope's job causes her to dig pretty deep into people's lives and from what she saw on Amelia, she thought the two of them would get on great. Which was all besides the fact that she made their boy wonder happy, something that happened rarely.

Spencer laughed at her excitement, but could see the gears turning in the woman's mind. "She's uh, staying with me at least until this weekend I guess." He shrugged.

"Well, if she's staying with you you'll have plenty of time to yourself. Since everyone's off tonight.." She whipped out her cellphone, "dinner party at my place! Tonight. We can welcome her to DC properly."

"I don't know, Penelope.." Spencer had been looking forward to having Amelia to himself, and wasn't sure how she'd feel after everything else she had been though.

"Oh, come on! Pleeease? I know JJ's been talking about her nonstop, she'd love the surprise. And Derek would absolutely lose it seeing you walk in with her!" As she continued typing away a his phone, Spencer heard his ding and pulled it out of his pocket.

Garcia: Attention crime fighters! Since we're all off I'm hosting a mandatory dinner party, tonight, mi casa. There's also a special surprise in store!

Spencer groaned. "I didn't even get a chance to ask her!"

"Hey now, one night won't kill either of you. Well, you better run or you're gonna be late. I'll see you both tonight!" She ran away, escaping Spencer's condoning gaze.

Only slightly disappointed, he shook his head as he watched Penelope head back toward her car. He looked down at his watch.

"Shit" he said to himself, realizing he was now running behind. He quickly paid for the flowers and got in his car, unable to calm to butterflies in his stomach. He couldn't deny the feelings he had for Amelia anymore, and he knew he had to lay his cards on the table while she was visiting.

He put his car in drive and turned on the stereo. A song called 'Universe' streamed through the speakers, and he couldn't help but read into the lyrics of the song Amelia had chosen for his playlist.

Flowing like the water when you stumbled in my life. Feels so good, it feels so right.


honestly i'm getting ahead of myself but i'm publishing a third chapter tonight because even i can't have Spencer and Amelia not be together for two chapters.

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