Chapter 22

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It felt like days had passed but when JJ shook Spencer on the shoulder it had only been about several hours. 

"Hey, sorry.. Spence, do you wanna go grab a few hours of sleep at the hotel? I can call you when sh-"

"No, no I'm okay. I'm staying here till she's out of surgery" he insisted. He couldn't imagine not being in the hospital when she woke up, even if he wasn't going to be right by her side. For his sake of mind he needed to stay close. 

JJ eyed Spencer up, concern growing. His ever present dark circles were even darker than normal, and he looked like he would fall over any second. 

"Fine, I'm at least getting you some coffee." She started to walk away but then turned suddenly, "Oh, and it looks like a few more of Lia's family and some friends are starting to get here. I think Mr. Vernand told a few people."

Spencer nodded and stood up, stretching his arms above his head. He knew he should go see the people in the other waiting room but needed a second to himself. He went into the bathroom and locked the door.

Taking a deep breath he walked over to the mirror and studied the reflection looking back at him. He turned the faucet on and wet his hands, running them through his hair and trying to get it to cooperate. He knew he had to put on a stoic front for the sake of Amelia's loved ones, but he really just wanted to curl up in the waiting room lobby until someone came to tell him she was okay. He shook his head to clear the thoughts, and after splashing some water on his face he was ready to go face the crowd. 

He rounded the corner and was surprised at the amount of people around Amelia's father. Spencer had known her for barely a week but knew she was well loved, but was still shocked at the amount of people who came to wait around in the hospital for her.

He recognized her aunt and uncle from a few photos she had shown him, her uncle bearing a strong resemblance to Edgar. Their kids sat playing with iPad's in the corner. A grey haired couple sat near Edgar who Spencer knew to be Amelia's grandparents. A few other aunts, uncles, and cousins lingered around. Then seated behind the family were who Spencer gathered to be her friends. A few he thought were coworkers he recognized from her file, others he had seen pictures of around her house.

"You know, she'd hate that we're all sitting around waiting for her. She's gonna yell at us to get out of here the second she wakes up."

Spencer was started by the voice behind him, turning to face a young man and woman about Amelia's age. 

The young woman glanced at Spencer up and down. "Unless you're a new coworker, I don't think you're in the right waiting room." She wasn't rude about it, just very matter-of-fact.

"I'm uh, one of the agents who was working the case from the FBI. Doctor Spencer Reid." He awkwardly stuck his hand out. The young man gripped it in a firm hand shake, followed by the woman.

"Oh shit, Lee mentioned you." Her grim expression broke as she pulled out her phone and scrolled through something. She held the screen out for Spencer to see.

He squinted, trying to see what the girl was showing him. It was a group chat with who Spencer assumed was Amelia and the two people in front of him.

Anna: How's our girl holding up?
Lee: i'm okay. the fbi agents who came in to help are amazing, I'm gonna miss them wen they leave 😞
Smith: FBI?! Lee, u didn't mention this was that bad.
Lee: idk, i'm ok. they're gonna catch him, they're all so smart it's insane. i'm in good hands.
Anna: Are they like old and scary like that show your grandpa loves
Lee: HAHA no. actually one of them is only a few years older than me. but I think he's an exception. he's insanely smart, I've never seen anyone like him
Smith: "never seen anyone like him".... do I hear a crush? 👀
Lee: smithy shut UP lmao.
Smith: ignoring the question, I see.
Lee: I meaaaaaan. he is super attractive. and funny. and wildly smart. but he's so outta my league 
Anna: will you shut up, you're amazing.

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