Chapter 7

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Spencer watched Amelia walked down the hall and into the bathroom. He ran a hand through his hair and let out a long breath. He didn't know what she was doing to him, and he knew he couldn't let it happen.. although he had to acknowledge that he was enjoying it. In the short day he's gotten to spend time with Amelia, he found her warm demeanor a welcome ray of light into his otherwise hazy life. He couldn't stop but smile just thinking about her laughing fit on the floor. He leaned back into the couch and started to pet Swoop.

"Your mom is one heck of a lady" he murmured to the animal, feeling dumb immediately. As if sensing that, the cat stood up and let out a meow, going to sit in front of the bathroom door. The cellphone sitting next to him rang, and he went downstairs to get the food.

Amelia finished up her shower and rejoined Spencer in the living room. He had to admit, she looked much more at ease in her pajama shorts and what looked like a worn out Eagles sweatshirt, her long curls hanging damp on her back. She settled in next to him on the couch and flicked through Netflix while starting to educate him on a proper Philadelphia cheesesteak (wit wiz, mushrooms and peppers optional, he learned). She settled on a street food documentary that Spencer thought seemed interested, and made a mental note to ask JJ for her Netflix information so he could watch this when he got home. While the show played softly in the background, Amelia chatted on about other Philadelphia quintessential things and started asking Spencer about his life in DC. They finished up their food but the conversation didn't drop once. Amelia stretch her legs out over Spencer's lap, not thinking twice. Normally Spencer would've gawked at her but he instinctively settled his arm over top before he realized what he was doing. As the conversation died down, he looked over and noticed Amelia's eyes start to droop.

"You know, we have an early day tomorrow. Maybe you should get some sleep?" He suggested.

"I guess you're right, I feel like I've been up for 72 hours". She stood and let out a yawn, then walked over to a closet to gather blankets and pillows for Spencer. She laid them out on the couch and triple checked that he was comfortable before going over and leaning on the doorframe.

"Night, Spence.. and thank you for staying. I know you have to or whatever, but I do appreciate it."

"I would've stayed with you even if it wasn't my job, Lia. Sleep well" he said gently as he watched her turn and walk into her room. He settled into the couch, Swoop curling up beside him, and threw his arm over his head trying to get some sleep. 


"Argh" Spencer jolted awake in the night, feeling the orange tabby's claws in his arm. He shooed him away, only to hear what bothered him in the first place. A screamed ripped from Amelia's room, Spencer grabbed his gun and was at her door in a matter of seconds. He threw the door open looking around, only to realize no one was inside. He saw her thrashing about in her bed, and rushed over to her. Trying his hardest to not scare her, he gripped her arms in his hands and gently shook her.

"Amelia.. Lia. It's just a dream, you're okay. No one else is here." Spencer said as she started to wake up. She grabbed his hands that were on her arms instinctively and looked around her room, as if she couldn't believe him until her eyes confirmed it. She stared at him, a blank look on her face. He sat calmly, waiting for her to register what had happened. As she gathered her bearings she started to shake, and brought her hands to cover her eyes. Spencer heard her shuddering breaths and quickly put his arms around her. She leaned into him, sobs racking her body. He ran a hand through her hair, whispering softly that everything was okay in her ear. He held her like that for a while, realizing the stoic front she put on all day had caught up to her. She was human, of course she was scared.

After several minutes of Spencer holding her and trying to calm her down, he felt her breathing start to steady itself and heard her take a few deep breaths. Not moving from his arms and keeping her face buried in his chest, Amelia asked Spencer if he'd mind if she sat with him on the couch for a while. Keeping an arm across her back he led her out to the living room and settled down in the middle of the couch, propping his feet up on the ottoman in front of him. Amelia followed suit, nestling right into Spencer's side and resting her head on his shoulder. He froze momentarily, realizing if any of his teammates saw this.. but as soon as the thought entered his head, it was gone. He was too concerned about Amelia to think about his team right now. He stretched his arm around her back and pulled her closer to him, flipping the Netflix show back on with his free hand. He turned the volume low and pulled a blanket over top of them.

They sat in silence for a while, Spencer thinking that she had finally fallen back asleep.

"Spence?" He heard her whisper.


"Could you finish telling me about the squirrels?" Amelia asked.

He looked down at her trying to stifle a laugh in the serious moment.

"Of all the things to talk about, you want to hear more about... squirrels?"

"Honestly, I don't care what you talk about. I just want to hear your voice." Amelia said without looking up at him. He could hear the sleep threatening to close in, and wasn't even sure if she'd remember saying that tomorrow, but in that moment he would've talked endlessly about anything she asked.

"Well, after the Philadelphia mayor imported all of those squirrels in 1840, local residents began to..."

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