Chapter 17

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Spencer's internal clock started to wake him up, the light seeping through his eyelids. His eyes slowly opened, taking in the woman laying against him. At some point in the night Amelia had turned over, and now had her back pressed against his chest. His arm laid over her waist and she held his hand in hers. He felt the slow rise and fall of her breath, not wanting to breath himself for fear or waking her up and ruining this moment. He took it all in, trying to commit every detail to his memory. He nestled his nose in her hair, always smelling like coconut. 

He closed his eyes for a few beats, sleep threatening to close back in, and he wanted to surrender. He felt Amelia start to stir, assuming she was a naturally early riser as well and starting to wake up. She slowly started stretching in her sleep, inadvertently pressing her butt against his crotch in her sleep. Spencer's eyes flew open and he swiftly got out of the bed, the friction nearly too much for him to handle. 

Amelia rolled over at the sudden motion, her hand automatically reaching to the other side of the bed where Spencer had been. He walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower, hoping the cold water would clear his head. He needed to focus today and he found that hard around Amelia sometimes, although it wasn't her fault. He needed to think logically, he was on a case and had a job to do. She was someone his team was there to help. Where could this possibly go once the case wrapped? His mind started to whir, when he heard a light knock on the bathroom door.

"Spence? Just wanted to let you know I'll be in my room, I'll be ready in 20 or so."

"Sounds good." He let out a sigh. He had to figure out a way to keep her in his life.


Amelia ran down to the lobby of the hotel after leaving Spencer's room, and bought three coffees and three croissants. She knocked on Derek's door and left one of each on the ground just in front, and went back in her room. She left a coffee and croissant on Spencer's night stand and went back in her room and closed the door. 

She quickly drank her coffee while running her fingers through her hair, deftly French braiding two braids on the sides of her head. Securing them, she finished getting ready in the bathroom and went to get dressed. She settled on a comfy sweater dress that came down to her ankles with a slit on the side which made it easier for her to move around. She liked this dress because it was super warm and comfy but also hugged her hips in all the right places. She glanced in the mirror and swiped some mascara on.

Satisfied, she packed her bag for the precinct as she had the day before. She sat back down with a few minutes to spare and waited for Spencer. She had borrowed the book about city hall and laid on her back, flipping through it. She heard Spencer open the adjoining door and sat up.  He had the coffee in hand, and half of the croissant in his mouth, crumbs dotting his chin. 

"Thank you so much, I didn't realize how damn hungry I was" he said, gobbling down the other half of the croissant. He didn't think he had eaten since lunch yesterday. When he was in a case, sleeping and eating were two things he often forgot to do.

She couldn't help but chuckle at the sight and walked over to him, wiping the crumbs from his chin. She noticed the pink rising in his cheeks when she had gotten close. She looked up at him, "You are quite welcome, Doc. You almost ready?"

He cleared his throat. "Yeah, let me just grab my bag and we can head out." He chugged the rest of his coffee and threw the cup away, gathering his things. 

"Oh, can I borrow this book?" She held up the book she had borrowed already as they walked down the hallway.

"Keep it." He smiled at her. 

"I can't do that! I'm sure I'll finish it by the end of the day, I'll give it back."

"I'm serious, you can keep it. I could recite the whole thing back to you right now." 

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