Chapter 38

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Waking up knowing that she was seeing Spencer soon was how Amelia wished every day went. She rolled out of bed and set about her morning, drinking coffee and going for a walk. Returning to her apartment, she glanced around the sparsely furnished rooms. All she had in the living room was the old couch and a coffee table, and in the kitchen she had a beat up stool next to a card table. 

She retreated to her room, the only fully furnished place left. Settling into bed, she picked up a book and read restlessly, checking the time so she could leave and get Spencer. After checking her phone for a fourth time, she decided to just go early and wait for him. Driving down I76, music blaring, the sun shone brightly in the sky. Pulling into the parking lot she shot Spencer a text, letting him know where she was. She got distracted on her phone, scrolling through Instagram and Tik Tok, and jumped when the passenger door opened and someone slid into the seat.

"You really should lock your doors when you're not paying attention" Spencer said, half joking, looking at Amelia across the car. 

As her surprise wore off, she flung herself across the car and hugged him as best she could. Over two weeks without seeing him shouldn't have been much, but factoring in the worry she felt while he was on a case, she thought she could give herself some slack.

He maneuvered himself to wrap his arms around her, breathing her in. 

"I missed you too, sweet girl" he said, Amelia hearing the smile in his voice. 

She sat back and looked at him. His dark circles were a little darker than normal, due to the case she assumed. His hair seemed as if it had grown a little longer, which she liked.

"Hungry?" She asked, as she started the car.

"Very, actually."

"Want anything in particular?"

"Actually, I had those cheesesteaks in mind.."

Amelia's laugh rang through the car, music to Spencer's ears. "You don't have to tell me twice. Let's get outta here" she said, as she drove home.

Sunday rolled around and Spencer and Amelia found themselves in bed, tangled in the sheets. They spent the evening catching up, Amelia listening as Spencer whispered details about the case that bothered him and running her hands through his hair until they fell asleep.

"We should get up" Spencer said with a grin, looking down at Amelia. Late afternoon light streamed through the blinds, casting vertical lines of light across her bare skin.

"Mmmm, nah" she said, reaching up and pulling him in for a kiss. 

Her phone rang then, Spencer laughing as she groaned trying to find it.

"Oh shit" she said before answering, sitting up.

"Miri, hi!" Spencer gave her a questioning look. He had heard of her friend Miranda, but hadn't yet met her.

"Yeah, of course, I was just about to get ready." She shot Spencer and apologetic look, and he knew she was about to spring plans on him.

"Yeah.. uh huh.. listen, my uh, boyfriend, is here visiting. Is it okay if he.. yeah, Spencer" she laughed lightly, Spencer breaking into a grin at the sound of Amelia calling him her boyfriend. "Actually yeah, that's him.. okay yeah I'll tell you all about it later.. Kay bye!" She hung up, burrying her face into her pillow and letting out a groan.

"Sooo... where are we going?" Spencer asked, laughing at her reaction to her own forgetfulness. 

She rolled over and looked at him through her hair. 

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