Chapter 29

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Spencer settled into his couch while Amelia got ready. He heard the shower run, followed by soft music he assumed she was playing from her phone. He felt happy just knowing she was in the same apartment as him again. He picked up a book to pass the time.

Amelia hopped out of the shower and wrapped herself in the fluffy grey towel Spencer had left in the bathroom for her. She walked into his room, feeling lighter than air. She wasn't used to being in somebody else's space, but somehow felt so comfortable already in his home. 

She crouched over her suitcase, glad she threw in some nicer options. She opted for a burnt orange maxi skirt that had a thigh high slit up one side, and a cropped, cream colored sweater that ended just above the waistband of the skirt. She picked out a lacy maroon bralette and matching cheeky underwear, feeling heat rise in her face at the thought of Spencer seeing her in them. 

She tried to not let the thought run wild in her head. She had always been self conscious of her body, something that had gotten in the way of other relationships, and the thought of Spencer seeing her in anything less than pajamas made her heart beat in her chest.

She shook her head, discarding the thought and focusing on the matter at hand. She slipped into the skirt and threw the sweater on the bed, too hot to put it on quite yet. She looked at herself in the mirror of the bathroom, assessing her face. She decided to put on a little more makeup than normal, since it had been ages since she'd had a chance to socialize. She swiped a bronze eyeshadow over her lids and smudged some eyeliner on, followed by a light coat of mascara. She finished off with a swipe of blush on her cheeks and some tinted chapstick. She looked at herself in the mirror and felt a little more self confident than she had earlier. 

After slipping into the sweater and her converse, she opened the door to find Spencer sprawled on the couch, holding a book overhead. His eyes found hers over the top of the page he was on, and she felt embarrassed by the look he gave her. His eyes slid slowly up her legs, noticing the slit in her skirt, upward admiring the way the sweater clung to her curves until his gaze came to rest on her face. 

He slowly stood up and walked over to her, twirling one of her curls around his finger. 

"You look.. absolutely beautiful" he said quietly. He saw her face flush as she looked up at him. 

She traced his jaw lightly with her fingertips, upward until she could run her hand through his hair, her hand came to rest on the back of his neck, bringing the other hand up to meet it. 

He placed a hand on the small of her back and hesitated before pulled her into him, the tips of their noses touching lightly. He brought his lips down to hers, feeling her sigh into him. She pulled him closer, and Spencer slowly backed her up until she had her back to the wall. He put both of his hands on her waist, feeling her warm skin where it was exposed between her skirt and top. She wound her fingers through his hair and pulled on it lightly, eliciting a small groan from Spencer. He felt her smile in her kiss, liking the reaction he had given her. 

A sudden banging on the door caused Spencer to leap backwards from Amelia, as if they were kids caught under the bleachers. They looked at each other, both flushed and out of breath, before the banging on the door continued. 

"Uh, just a moment please" Spencer called out. Amelia giggled, watching how flustered he was while trying to straighten out his shirt and hair. 

He peered through the peep hole on the door and looked at Amelia over his should, rolling his eyes. 

"Brace yourself."

She looked at him quizzically as he opened the door.

Derek burst through the door. "I wasn't letting you skip out on this thing at Garcia's so I figured I'd-" he stopped short, seeing Amelia standing against to the side of the room. He looked between her and Spencer, a smile growing on his face. 

"Reid, what is with the secrets?" He exclaimed, walking over and enveloping Amelia in a bear hug. She laughed as she tried to hug him back, but he had her arms pinned against her sides. 

"Good to see you too, Derek."

"You are a sight for sore eyes, Miss Amelia. I can't tell you how good it is to see you." He held her at arms length, looking her over. His tone changed ever so slightly. "You look good. How are you holding up?"

Spencer recognized the way she set her jaw, it was the same way she reacted any time someone asked the question laced with curiosity about how she was handling what had happened. He was starting to grow worried, realizing they hadn't really talked about what had happened. It dawned on him that she didn't even ask what had happened to Christopher, besides making sure that he'd been caught.

He watched them catch up, lost in his thoughts, before he realized Derek was walking over to him. He ruffled Spencer's hair, laughing. "Your hair is always wild, but it's especially crazy tonight kid."

Behind him, Amelia gave him a small smirk and slowly bit her lip. She laughed as she watched his cheeks turn pink. 

She grabbed her purse and walked over to the two men. "Alright boys, let's get this show on the road!"

Derek went first, while Amelia waited for Spencer to gather his things. As she turned to walk out the door she felt Spencer grip her wrist and lightly tug her back to him. She looked up at his face, his eyes dark. He leaned into her and she felt his lips on her ear. 

"We'll finish that later" he whispered, before brushing past her and locking the door. It sent a shiver down her spine, and she met his mischievous gaze with an equal one.

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