Chapter 30

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The group hopped out of Derek's SUV. Derek rushed right inside, wearing only a t-shirt he found the cold November air crept into his bones. Amelia lingered near the door, Spencer sensing she wasn't behind him anymore.

"You okay?" His eyes searched hers.

She gave him a small nod. "I sound like a kid starting first grade but.. what if they don't like me?" She gave him a sheepish look. "I mean, they were never any less than kind to me while y'all were working the case. I just.. they all love you. I don't want them to think I'm.. I dunno, it's dumb. Let's just go in" she said, abruptly opening the door before Spencer got a chance to respond. 

Spencer barely had a chance to register the meaning behind her words when he heard excitement come from inside, and he quickly followed Amelia into Penelope's. 

A blur of blonde rushed past him, tackling Amelia in a hug. Spencer chuckled, hoping that greeting was more than enough for Amelia to relax. He knew JJ had grown to think of her like a little sister, and they had been keeping in touch since they left Philadelphia. 

"What the hell are you doing here?!" JJ exclaimed, obviously already a few drinks in. Spencer spotted Will in the corner, and went to catch up with him.

Amelia was grinning ear to ear, still caught up in JJ's arms. "Spence invited me to come visit since you guys have a few days off, and when he mentioned this tonight you know I couldn't pass up a chance to see you!" 

Penelope walked in then, holding a tray like a waitress. On the tray were tons of small shot glasses, clear liquid inside. As she set them down on the table, she caught sight of Amelia.

"Amelia Marta Vernand, I cannot tell you how good it is to finally meet you! JJ, let 'er go!" Penelope pulled Amelia into yet another hug. Amelia laughed at the realization that this kick ass team were a bunch of huggers. 

"Penelope, I'm so happy to meet you too! I've heard so much about you, all fantastic things. And thank you soo much for the flowers, they were beautiful!"

"Oh yay! I'm so happy you liked them. I know Derek and Emily mentioned that they were bummed they didn't get to say goodbye, and I hadn't gotten the chance to even really meet you, so I thought they'd be a nice surprise!"

Emily approached then, giving Amelia's shoulder a squeeze thinking that she could use a break from the hugs. "It's so good to see you, and man you look fantastic compared to last time we saw you!" She said, earning a chuckle from the girl.

As the women sat in the living room, catching up and getting to know one another, Spencer sat at the kitchen table with Derek, Will, and Kevin. He was absentmindedly contributing to the conversation, but he couldn't help but watch Amelia across the room. Her face was lit up in a way he hadn't seen, and he hoped that he realized how much his team liked her. They wouldn't have went through the effort of being so warm to her if they didn't, he knew. 

"Earth to Pretty Boy" Derek teased, shaking his shoulder. "Man, do you realize how smitten you are with her?" He said, glancing in Amelia's direction. 

On the jet Spencer had avoided the question, but now he knew there was no point in denying it. "Yeah, I do. I just.. don't know what to do about it." He looked down at the beer in front of him, staring at a drop of condensation roll down the bottle. 

"You don't have to do anything, just tell her man. You're not always the best with communication, which I get, but if you want this to work you gotta let your guard down for her. I have a feeling that's gonna go both ways."

Just then Amelia looked up, eyes searching for Spencer. When she caught his gaze, she gave him the softest smile. She mouthed "Hi" toward him, and he grinned, mouthing it back. Her gaze lingered a moment more before hopping back into the conversation with ladies. Spencer realized that Derek was right, he had to tell her how he felt.

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