Chapter 8

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Amelia felt Swoop kneading her leg and slowly opened her eyes. She froze, realizing she was on her couch and trying to remember what happened. Slowly she moved her eyes up and realizing she was laying beside Spencer, who had one arm thrown over his face to block out the sun and the other was wrapped around her waist . She watched his chest rise and fall as he slept, notching the stubble that graced his strong jawline. She knew she should get up, but she didn't want to wake him. She also didn't want to stop watching him, not understanding how someone could be so beautiful in their sleep.

Slow as molasses she crawled out from under his arm and stood up, looking down at him. He must've been just as tired as she was, having been working this case for days already. She glanced at her phone and realized it was 5:30, giving Spencer more than enough time to continue sleeping.

She went into her kitchen and started a pot of coffee and grabbed a granola bar from the cabinet. She threw some fruit in a bowl and poured glass of water, bringing them out to the coffee table for Spencer once he woke up.

She grabbed clothes for the day and went into the bathroom, jumping in the shower. Singing along to the HAIM song playing from her phone, she toweled off and looked at the clothes she had picked out for the day. After yesterday she wanted to seem a little more put together, so she tucked a cozy black turtleneck into a fitted pair of blue jeans, and looped a black belt around her hips. Running her fingers through her hair and putting on her favorite earrings, she realized she felt better than she had in days. She leaned on the counter and looked in the mirror, thinking about waking up next to Spencer. She couldn't stop the blush creeping across her face.

"Don't be dumb, Lee, you were a hysterical mess. What was he gonna do, leave you there?" She told herself as she grabbed her mascara and swept some on her eyelashes. Opening the door she went into the kitchen and poured two cups off coffee. Walking back into the living room she couldn't help but smile.

Spencer sat cross legged on the couch, covered in her knit blanket with Swoop dead center in his lap. He had his phone between his ear and shoulder, and was scooping the fruit into his mouth. His bedhead looked unfairly perfect, and all Amelia wanted to do was curl back up on the ouch next to him and run her hands through his curls.

She cleared her throat, as to not disturb his phone call, and walked over with the coffee. He told whoever was on the phone that 'we' would be there soon and hung up, gratefully accepting the hot mug. He looked up at Amelia intensely, a small smile on his face.

"Feeling better?" He asked her.

She looked down at her feet, embarrassed about what had happened during the night. "Yup! Nothing a shower and some coffee can't fix" she replied, giving him a big grin. She wanted to show him that she was okay, that last night was a fluke. She was fine.

He looked at her a few moments longer but then returned her smile. Hotch wanted them both in the precinct as soon as they were ready. Amelia braced herself, hoping today would be more productive than yesterday. She shuffled around her apartment packing a bag for the day. Water, phone charger, a book. Once she was ready she looked at Spencer, in his clothes from the day before trying to calm his hair.

"Do you uh, want to stop by your hotel? I like the bedhead chic look, personally, but that old police officer who was helping with the press yesterday already said you looked like a pop star. This may not help your case" Amelia said, repressing a giggle at the memory. Spencer had been confused by the comment, but it was clear he didn't realize how handsome his features were. Amelia easily could've pictured him in editorial ads, rocking his disheveled look.

"Ha ha, very funny. This hair has a mind of it's own, no one can control it" he chuckled. "But yeah, I'm going to drop you at the precinct then go freshen up. Rossi and Emily are gonna work with you this morning, looking through the victims friends, coworkers, family, see if we can find any connections."

Amelia nodded and twirled a piece of hair around her finger while she watched Spencer gather his things. She had gotten so used to his presence, she forgot she'd have to work with other members of his team. Of course she would.

Sensing her unease Spencer walked over and grabbed her hand that was playing with her hair. "You don't have to be nervous around my team. We're the best at what we do, and I would trust them with my life. Plus, I'll be back this afternoon" he grinned at the last part, receiving a smile from Amelia.

"Alright Doctor, let's get this show on the road."

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