Chapter 14

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Hotch was speeding down the street with the rest of his team in tow, heading toward their unsubs last known address, when Rossi's phone rang. 

"What is it Garcia?" He put the phone on speaker so everyone in the vehicle could listen in.

"You're on with me, Derek, and JJ. I sent this info to Reid's tablet with a warning to not let Amelia know this quite yet. Anyway, I've got background on our yicky creepy unsub. Looks like he had an equally yicky and creepy past. When he was seven him and his parent's lived in a row home in South Philly. One night a robbery gone wrong resulted in his mother being killed, which in turn turned dad into an alcoholic. Dad died shortly after from the result of a DUI, and Christopher lived with his grandparents until he turned 18 and moved out. But the freaky part is.. well, check your tablets."

"Jesus Christ" Rossi murmured. 

Over the speaker phone Penelope chimed in "We knew he had a type with the murders and we thought that stemmed from Amelia but Amelia looks like she could be his mom's sister. Or well, Christopher's aunt. Ew. Anyway, we all known Amelia originally matched him 3 years ago when she went on what could arguably be the world's worst date. Well, according to some data and tracking that I may or may not have obtained from a certain dating site that won't be named, it looks like Amelia's profile came across Christopher's account again approximately 6 weeks ago.. the day she rejoined the platform. He swiped right to match her but she didn't return the match, she probably didn't even realize she swiped past him."

"So we almost have two scenarios here" Derek started. "Amelia trigged him 3 years ago, but the mom was the bomb. Now, our five vics triggered him with Amelia being the bomb." He let out a long sigh. "Mama, did Reid confirm that he saw what you sent?"

"Yes Sugar, he confirmed that he received it."

The team pulled up to the block of their unsubs residence. 

"Alright Babygirl, talk soon.

"Be safe my heroes" she said, disconnecting the call.

"Prentiss, Morgan, take the alleyway into the back. JJ, you and Rossi with me in the front." Hotch unholstered his gun as his team followed suit, splitting up to cover their boss's order. 

"Christopher Regino, FBI." JJ yelled. After no response, Hotch kicked the door in, all of them holding their guns at eye level and continuing to clear the house. 

"We're in the basement, it's clear" Emily whispered over their headsets. 

"First floor is clear, moving up" Rossi replied, JJ behind him. Hotch followed them up the stairs.

They cleared the first two rooms and came to the last door at the end of the hallway. Rossi motioned that he was going to kick it down on the count of three. Right before he hit one music blared from behind the door. Immediately they knocked it down, weapons at the ready. 
They looked around the room, worry growing in JJ's gut.

She pressed the headset on her ear, "All clear up stairs, but.. you guys have got to see this."


Spencer looked over at Amelia in the passenger seat of the car. She had her feet up on the dash, the ring that was normally on her thumb playing between her fingers. Her face was blank, but that's what worried Reid the most. 

"Are you hungry?" He asked, hoping to elicit a response. Instead she just shrugged. 

"How about we call in cheesesteaks at that place near you house since we're heading there anyway" he suggested.

She nodded and reached for her cellphone which seemed like a good sign. She called and placed the order, the first words she had said since she asked JJ for Spencer. The road the rest of the way in silence, Spencer pulling over at the corner store after a few minutes. 

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