Chapter 24

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Amelia's stomach hurt, not just from the gunshot wound but from laughter she hadn't experienced in so long. Having her two best friends squished on the hospital bed with her made her feel more normal than she had in days. Spencer had checked in, letting them know that he and JJ had to go finish up some things before they left the police precinct.

"You know, he ain't too bad on the eyes" Smith said, wiggling his eyebrows at Amelia after Spencer had left the room.

"Smithy shut it, he's gonna hear you!" Amelia glanced at the door to make sure it had closed the whole way.

"Leelee, he is beautiful and so obviously into you. FBI agents don't just hang around like this after they finish work, that's what our local PPD are good for" Anna said.

"You guys need to drop it, seriously. JJ already told me they're leaving soon to go back to DC." Amelia tried to keep her face steady and not let her disappointment show.

"DC is what, a little over two hours? You could totally still see each other. I'm not sayin throw yourself at him, but don't write him off. He's smitten with you, too." Smith leaned back on his hands as he spoke. Amelia hated when he was right.

"Whatever guys, I don't wanna talk about it. That whole team is amazing and I didn't get to say bye to most of them. It kinda sucks."

"Well, we're here to distract anyways!" Anna picked up her backpack and started rummaging through it.

'Sheesh, people are gonna give me so much stuff I'm gonna need a suitcase when I leave here' Amelia thought to herself. But when she saw what her friends had brought, she couldn't help but feel relieved.

"Okay, I know I just got shot and stuff but.. holy crap seeing my toothbrush and deodorant is the best sight ever." Her friends laughed, knowing she'd want to feel more herself.

They helped her into the bathroom, wet a washcloth and wiped her down while helping comb and re-braid her hair. Washing her face around a broken nose proved difficult, but not impossible. When she settled back into the hospital bed in pajamas shorts and an old Eagles t-shirt she almost felt like herself again.

Visiting hours had officially ended and her friends had left, leaving her alone for the first time since waking up. She laid back in the bed, taking in the view of the city from the window. Her phone buzzed on the nightstand next to her, and she glanced at the message from the unknown number.

Unknown: Figured it was about time you had my number. I know visiting hours ended, just wanted to let you know I'm wrapping up at the precinct and should be back within the hour. - Spencer

Amelia couldn't help but grin down at her phone. The fact that she hadn't had this man's number this whole time struck her as hilarious, but she was all too excited to add the new contact to her phone. She settled back and slipped in her headphones, thinking about Spencer leaving her soon.

She looked down at her phone and hesitated before opening her Spotify. She thought it would upset her, but she realized that she couldn't let what Christoper had done take away something that meant so much to her. She scrolled through her playlists and selected her favorite one, "mellow", on shuffle.

As Madi Sipes crooned through the headphones, Amelia clicked the small "+" sign to create a new playlist. She typed "For Spencer" into the title box, and went to work. If he had to leave her, at least he could have a small piece of her with him back in DC.

Don't they understand? There's no rules in modern romance. Don't need nothing fancy, just want you to have me all.


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