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"Yeah, I got hired."

Kaito smiled at Shuichi, shoveling another mouthful of food into his mouth. At this point, almost the entire table was full.

Kaito, Kaede, Rantaro, Kiibo, Shuichi, Gonta, Miu, Tenko, Angie, Ryoma, Tsumugi, Maki, and Kirumi all sat at the table. From the entire 16 in cast, they were the people dealing with the trauma well enough to be in contact with others. Shuichi heard rumors a few of them would be able to go back into the world soon enough.

But, he was also aware, that none of them wanted to go until every single person from their game sits at the dinner table. Which means, Korekiyo, Himiko, and Kokichi needed to join them.

According to Tenko, Himiko was getting well enough and soon would be joining them. She just started being able to see some people, take walks, and hang out with others, without stressing out or freaking. Tenko also claimed with a full smile that Himiko can finally talk about her emotions well enough.

Before, Korekiyo used to be able to join them at the table.

But then, one day, he started showing aggressive behavior, so, they brought him back for more therapy as he was suitable to see others.

Kokichi? No one really knew. Kaede, Kaito, and Maki said how they seen him. In fact, plenty of people seen him, but he was pulled away without a trace.

"That's fantastic, Shuichi!" Kaede clapped her hands a small bit, then went back to twisting her hair.

A nervous habit she gained.

Twisting and pulling at her hair.

"Kaede, you're doing it again." Kaito said with a mouthful of food.

Kaede jumped, pulling her hands from her hair.

It was her request, stop her from messing with it. She didn't want to pull out all her hair.

"Does anyone know what happened to Kokichi?" Shuichi asked.

Rantaro choked on his food, causing all eyes to look at him. He gave a shrug. "Don't look at me, look over to Tsumugi."

Slowly the eyes turned to her, and she gave a frown.

"I'm really not supposed to give you details.." She muttered.

"He's our fucking friend, we would like to know." Miu said, slamming her fists on the table.

"Well, he isn't allowed to see others at the moment. He is extremely vulnerable, and hasn't stopped... Scratching, to say. He is being sectioned off for the time being, getting intense therapy." Tsumugi said softly, picking her fork I to her food.

Shuichi frowned.


That's how he felt.

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