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Hey everyone! Before we start, I have an announcement!

I opened up a discord server for everyone to roleplay and have fun!

In this server, you can be characters from any three games, manga, or anime!

There is in-game chats and pregame chats! I haven't opened up a postgame chat yet,

We have out of character stuff! You can talk normally, make new friends,

There is a vent chat if you need it

A loving chat, and spoiler chat

You can share art there too!

Only two characters are taken, Nagito Komaeda, and Angie Yonaga! So, please consider joining!

I can send you the link to the server in dms here,

But I'll put the server link here too, and my discord friend code!

Link: https://discord.gg/yTzXMr5

Friending me: 🍍 Yonaga Angie 🍍 #3573

Now onto the story,,


Shuichi ran his fingers through Kokichis hair, humming into the boys ear, to try to calm him down.

"Kokichi, is alright, I'm right here, okay?"

Kokichi let out a small sob. "P-please do-d-dont leave m-me." He whispered.

"I would never even imagine doing so, Kokichi." Shuichi whispered back.

Kokichi gave a small hum, trying to get himself to calm down. Shuichi held onto Kokichis hands for support. Shuichi could feel his hands burn. In a strange way. Like, it was right and wrong. Like something that wasn't there, should be there.

Shuichi ignored the pain in his pinky.

"Why are p-p-people s-so horr-horrible?" Kokichi asked.

"It depends on what you mean. You do know Rantaro was trying to look after you, right? I don't imagine Rantaro saying such things to you out of no where."

Kokichi raised an eyebrow, and frowned. "I know, Saihara-kun. Amami is always looking out for me. Maybe that's why I consider him a brother."

"You consider Rantaro a brother?" Shuichi questioned.

As if a sudden change, Kokichi was sitting up, with no proof he was crying minus his red eyes. Honestly, Shuichi thought Kokichi was a pretty crier, but that wasn't the right time to think such a thing.

"Of couuuuurrrsee! Who wouldn't consider someone as cool as him a brother?"

Shuichi smiled. "I don't know, actually."

Kokichi smiled, and gave a small sigh. "Saihara-kun~~~"

"Uh, yes?"

"I really do love you, you know that?"

🍬 ,, Why? '' 🍬 || Kokichi Ouma X Shuichi Saihara || DanganronpaV3Where stories live. Discover now