|Non Canon 3/5| 🍬 • 6 - 8 • 🍬

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Shuichi slammed open the hospital door, running through the hall, and towards the front desk, "What room is Ouma Kokichi in?"

The receptionist glanced at her computer and looked back up, "Right now, he is in the surgical room, we don't send visitors in there. So, please take a seat. Mr. Ouma will be able to have visitors in maybe two hours."

Shuichi cursed internally.

"How long will he be getting surgery for?" Shuichi asked.

She clicked on her computer for a few moments, "At the least, three hours and a half. But its looking like it will last at least seven, with a recovery of an hour or two."

"Those are two very different times." Shuichi noted.

She nodded, "The surgeries reason seemed to be very harsh on him."

Shuichi was grateful of the receptionist not calling out the reason Kokichi was getting it.

But yet, he also cursed internally even more for it.

Shuichi felt a hand touch his arm, and he shot his head around, "Wh-"

"Me. Shut up, come take a seat. We'll be 'ere for a while." Miu muttered.

Her eyes were glossy and bloodshot.

Shuichi slowly nodded, intensifying himself, and following Miu towards some seats in the corner.

The moment they sat, Miu started to speak, "So... ya' found out, huh?"

"Y-yeah... Maki read out Kaede's messages..." Shuichi explained.

"Didn't ask.. Don't care." Miu said softly.

Shuichi raised an eyebrow, "B-but- Nevermind."

It was weird not seeing Miu get nervous over seemingly angry people. It seemed she was more focused on Kokichi then to notice the reactions of others, which, was smart of her. 

Shuichi reached into his pocket grabbing his phone, and putting on music.

It was already 9 pm.

If the surgery at the very least would take three and a half hours, that means they would be there waiting until one am.

But, it was seemingly looking like at least seven hours.

Which would be four am.

Such a long surgery..

How bad in a condition was Kokichi in?

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