|Non Canon 3/5| 🍬 • 6 - 6 • 🍬

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This Non Canon ended is four parts.

Kokichi looked down, considering it entirely.

"Why the fuck would you care if I did get it or not? I am already at the end of my line, who gives a shit, Miu?" Kokichi started out.

Miu glanced over, "Kokichi, I fucking care. Rantaro cares, Kiibo cares, Angie cares, Kirumi cares, Tenko cares, we fucking care."

Kokichi stared deeper into Miu's eyes, "Are you aware of what you're asking me? I could fucking lose the chance of loving anyone ever again-- I could forget about Shuichi, and... I co- I could... F-fuck!"

"I'm aware about what could fucking happen... Why do you think I haven't shoved this thought more at you for the past month or two? I just.. Before it seemed so fucking easy to allow you to die, but now, since it's getting closer, and reality is actually fucking hitting me, I can't. I can't allow it! Fuck-- I don't care. I.. I will help you remember shit, I- I.. I can have you rewatch Danganronpa with me so you remember shit. I will put myself through hell and beyond for you, Kokichi! Please, just fucking please, get the surgery. I am done waiting for your confession. I'm done waiting for you to die. I am done. I care too much about you, call me a fucking villain if you please, but seriously, I need you to do this. Please. Please..." Miu wiped her tears away, she couldn't cry, she knew Kokichi wouldn't like it, and it killed her.

Kokichi looked down, considering it. "Miu.. I hate you so fucking much."

Miu laughed a bit.

Kokichi rubbed his head, "Fine. I'll get it. I-if... If I do forget Danganronpa, I... I th-think I want to just.... f-forget it... D-don't tell me about soulmat-soulmates either.."

"You sure? I can remind you and catch you up on everything." Miu remarked.

Kokichi looked up, and smiled, "If I turn out to be a little pissy ass bitch, then remind me and catch me up on everything."

"Right, so no over emotional, sobbing, dumbass virgin." Miu commented.

"You realize I might forget about you, r-right... Miu?" Kokichi sat up more, staring more at her.

Miu nodded very slightly. "T-trust me... I know."

"Well, I mean.. if you know that and still are insisting I get it, I will get it." Kokichi smiled brightly at Miu.

They didn't have any more words to share with one another after that.

All they could do, was hold each other, and hug in silence.

Accepting any punishment that could come out of Kokichi's decision. 

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