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Drug warning 👽👽💣

Miu and Shuichi sat in silence at the enterance of the mall.

Reaching into her pocket, Miu grabbed a joint and a lighter, lighting it, and smoking it for a second.

"Alright, fess the fuck up, Pooichi." Miu started.

Shuichi sat there, confused on what she meant,  "W-what? Fess up what?"

Miu laughed slightly, while taking another breath of her joint, "Kokichi."

"Miu, I think it's against the law for you to smoke weed." Shuichi started.

Miu looked at him, giving a little look. "Okay? And?"

"It... it isn't good?" Shuichi added.

Miu frowned, "I smoke this, so does... Ready, this is gonna blow ya' mind. Amami, Yonaga, sometimes Kich, sometimes Momota, Shinguji, and some past game participants."

Shuichi made a mental note about them all.

Miu continued, "Enough subject changing. Whats with you n' Kichi?"

"Just... just been interested in getting to know him." Shuichi said softly.

He turned his head to the side, not bothering to look at Miu.

Shuichi had a good idea where this was going, and truly, Shuichi didn't like it.

Miu groaned, "Do ya' like him?"

"I.... I don't  think I like him like that. It's too soon for certain. I see Kokichi as a friend." Shuichi admitted.

Miu remained silent, thinking about Shuichi's words.

Shuichi really didn't like Kokichi like that, he thought.

It seemed like a weird thing to consider.

For a second, Shuichi thought he heard Miu crying.


He didn't want to consider that.

What was so important about him liking Kokichi?

It couldn't be the end of the world, or Kokichi's life if he didn't like him.

Shuichi still had forever to decide his feelings.

And maybe, by the time he did decide, Kokichi would probably be over Shuichi.

Soulmates or not, Shuichi didn't have to be with Kokichi.

Shuichi could only picture Kokichi as a friend, or a life time roommate.

And thats what Kokichi would probably forever be.

Even if Kokichi was attractive.



Eye capturing.

That was just how Kokichi was.

A person who could steal where your eyes land, the second he enters the room.

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