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Two weeks have gone by already.

And for some reason, they seemed to go by pretty slowly. The days couldnt be longer, but sometimes they couldnt go slower. 

There was a point where he got so tired he didnt feel tired. Forgetting things was more common then he thought it should be. 

He was a detective.

He shouldnt be forgetting small pieces of information.


No, he wasnt a detective. Someone else took that role for him. 

Shuichi opened up the door to Team Danganronpa. The second the door was closed behind him, he could hear a foot tapping away.

In a way he expected it to be Kaede, Maki, Kaito or possibly even Kokichi. There were a few days where he seen Kokichi. Of course, he usually ignored any person who was waiting for him.

He didnt have the time to communicate when he had to force his brain to remember the vital information at his job. Like, did he lock the door? 

Shuichi was going to do what he normally did. Walk past, and take no note.

But the person clearly wasnt allowing it.

It had to be Kokichi or Kaito.

Maki or Kaede wouldnt push Shuichi like this.

If he didnt want to talk, theyd leave it be.

"Leave me alone." Shuichi hissed out.

The hand on his shoulder held him tighter, and forced Shuichi to look.


Why would he be here? 

"Whats with the attitude?" Rantaro questioned.

Shuichi groaned. "Its not really attitude."

"I dont know, but," Rantaro changed his voice to imitate Shuichis, " 'Leave me alone'  sounds violent. Catch?"

🍬 ,, Why? '' 🍬 || Kokichi Ouma X Shuichi Saihara || DanganronpaV3Where stories live. Discover now