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They got up from their comfortable seat, in order to grab some ice cream.

Within that moment, they seen how they both favored Strawberry ice cream, between the trio.

Kokichi had to say, opposites do attract, but the more similarities you have, the better attraction there is.

There needed to be a solid fifty, fifty of both.

Kokichi had to say, Shuichi and his personalities went decently well.

Both were smart.

One thought with logic, other thought with emotions.

They both were in for truth and lies.

They both had the same ice cream interests.

"Strawberry, huh?" Kokichi took a lick of his ice cream, as Shuichi nodded.

"Chocolate is too... sweet? And vanilla seems to plain. I just... I just like strawberry, it reminds me of childhood." Shuichi admitted.

Shuichi turned the ice cream cone in his hands, and started at it for a second.

Kokichi nodded. "Chocolate always seemed too strong for me. Vanilla too boring. What's your least favorite ice cream flavor in the trio?"

"Most likely chocolate. I don't really like chocolate." Shuichi said.

They took another lick of their ice cream.

"Chocolate sucks. I don't like anything chocolate, either. Candy flavors, go." Kokichi pushed them to another topic, to know a bit more of each other.

Small talk, again sucked, but this was a fine small talk, since they had ice cream to focus on.

"Maybe... maybe hard candy? But I think more gummy candy. Gummy candy is pretty nice." Shuichi looked over to Kokichi, "What about you?"

"Sour candy, all the way. Mainly war heads." Kokichi laughed at the thought, "I used to have competitions with them at the orphanage when I was younger."

"Orphanage? So... you're still an orphan?" Shuichi asked.

"Apparently so." Kokichi added, "It's nice to know that fact didn't change."

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