Chapter: 39

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"Their plan consists of 5 steps"

Grizel said while showing 5 of her right fingers to Emperor Drake and Prince Rex.

"First is to instigate the greedy nobles of the western region of the empire to commit rebellion against the empire and support them in secret"

The nobles in the western region of the empire are known for their selfishness, they would always oppose any of the Empire's regulations which disadvantages them, like when the empire asked the nobles to lower their tax rate for the people when the time of a downturn in economic.

She goes on to speak about her theory according to the big scheme again.

"Second is to divide the Imperial military and public defense, this empire is strong indeed, but if the strength was divided into several forces, it will certainly be weakened, Right?"

All of them nodded in agreement with her, Azure has the strongest military power compared to the other nations, but no matter how strong their military is, if it divided into several focuses, they won't stay as the strongest anymore.

Grizel continues as she got their agreement with her thoughts.

"At least we need to split our military and public defense into 3 forces, to guard the monsters in the Forest of Demise at the East, stationed at the capital in case of an emergency at the central, and guarding the rebellion border at the West"


"It can't be..."

Dion just realized their intentions of decreasing the military and public defense power because the case of crimes gradually increase these past years since the rebellion started, including the slave traders roaming around the capital kidnapping people right in front of the Imperial family 2 years ago.

A lot of complaints to the empire come from all over the continent, crimes, murders, bandits, robberies, even as small as a pickpocket leads to dissatisfaction towards the Empire.

This kind of small criticism is the start of the sparks within the empire, and this little spark will ignite into a huge flame among the people if it is ignored.

"Third is to spread the word about peace among the folks, in truth, the empire could have dealt with the rebels since long ago but was forced into a passive defense due to the priests sent by the temple are spreading the word of saying war is evil doings. If the empire recklessly attacks the west rebels, the empire will be seen as a tyrant who ruled with iron hands and..."

"We will lose the trust of the people"

Rex claimed, Emperor Drake heaved a heavy sigh, it was their unsolved problem for years already, they couldn't attack before being attacked by the rebels first, but unexpectedly the rebels only focused on guarding the borders and strengthening their forces as if waiting for something.

"And the fourth is..."

Grizel takes a breath before saying her next assumption, the atmosphere changes suddenly as the cold air creeps into their body.

"To take over Belial's prosperous land"

"They will frame the Belial Family of slavery and as the mastermind who sells the slaves to the rebels, with this, Belial will be charged for committing treason and deemed as the traitor supporting the rebels, becoming the scapegoat of the real traitors and get executed"

'Just like the Novel, the real reason for the harsh punishment is not because of Grizel bullied the heroine but the false accusations, though, Grizel's actions and personality influenced by Emma is the key to drag the Belial's reputation down to the lowest before they give the final blow leading to Belial's downfall'

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