testing gates

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the four watched Leorio helplessly struggle to open the gate but to no avail.

"I've tried pushing and pulling, but it won't budge are you sure it isn't locked?" Leorio yelled now breathless.

"you just aren't strong enough" the Oldman replied

"that's absurd! I've been using all of my strength!" leorio yelled angrily doubting the Oldman's words, though he had a reason too considering all they had been through during the examination. Yoru examined his hand cuts and callused that were deep though it was too early to say if they were to be permanent. the Oldman prepared to open the gate taking off his jacket but was stopped when he felt someone tap him.

"could I have a go?" Yoru asked. their eyes locked only for a couple seconds but he could tell that his request had been approved of. walking towards the gate Yoru put all his strength and effort into opening it, the gate clanked only slightly earning a look of shock to the Oldman and Leorio but no matter how hard he tried it wouldn't budge any further finally giving I he fell back.

"not bad." the Oldman said towards an exhausted Yoru

"but, just watch" he said walking towards the gate.

"its official name is testing gate" he stated changing into a stance

"anyone who cannot open this gate. is unqualified to enter the Zoldyck estate" he finished and without much effort the door swung open. he turned back towards the group the door closing quickly.

"as you just saw the door closes automatically, so you'll want to run in the second it opens" he finished

"you don't need to worry about mike. he has orders not to attack anyone who enter through the testing gate" the man said. the four watched the man preparing to enter. Gons eyes still determined.

"still, this is getting tougher as I age, but they'll fire me if I can't open the gate so i need to keep in shape, I should mention each of the gates one door weigh 2 tons" the Oldman finished

"two tons" Leorio yelled aloud a look of shock on Kurapika and Gons faces, though Yoru had seen the anime he couldn't play of such a feat so normally

"you're not supposed to be able to open that, wait what did you say gate one?" he asked

"yes, have a look. there are seven gates and when you go up the weight doubles" he finished

"doubles?" Leorio yelled once again. the Oldman continued his explanation on how the gates worked.

"incidentally when young master Killua returned he was able to open gates one to three" the Oldman stated

"gate three? that would be twelve tons" Gon finally spoke.

"sixteen tons Gon" Kurapika corrected an awkward chuckle came from Gon

"do you understand now? that's what it takes to get in they live in a completely different world" the Oldman stated.

"hmm, I don't like it" Gon spoke.

"ogee-san, lend me the key" Gon asked.

"i came here to see my friend not to be tested you can consider me an intruder so let me borrow the key, I'll use the intruder door" he finished

"Gon" Kurapika said firmly

"oi" Leorio said both clearly worried for their friend

"it doesn't matter if you don't loan me the key ill just climb the wall if that's what it takes" Gon said

"dont be stupid Gon, didn't you see that monster its arm was bigger than your entire body" Leorio yelled

"what's the point in visiting him if you're going to be dead before you get to talk to him Gon" Yoru interrupted

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