The Plan

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2 days had passed since are encounter with Oldman Gean, the advice he gave me still ran through my head and in a way he was right my abilities too perceive danger before it even arrives in a future sight sorta way, my nen absorption blade and the fact I was a Kurta and a specialist.

So what wasn't there to be confident about?

"why can't we just rush in!?" Calixto asked as his patience began to run thin.

"he's passed us multiple times!" he yelled once more to which I simply ignored.

"My eyes still show red whenever he passes by which means if we go in we'll die besides even without my sight you can sense the danger around him as well can't you?" I yelled the displeasure in my voice becoming increasingly clear.

"I'll just use my transmitter ability!" he countered hastily and I began to realise why Elowen always accompanied him on missions his rash behaviour was gonna get him and others killed.

"yea you'd certainly be able to take him down with your enhancer or transmutation abilities but you have to consider the casualties! You may be a hunter but something like this won't simply just be swept under the rug!" I explained and he seemed to calm down at my response.

"I have a lot more control on my abilities than that you know I doubt anybody else apart from them would get caught in it" he responded leaning against the rooftop walls.

"the dangers still there if he manages to control you then I won't be able to take you down and you'd be stuck as his slave cause you didn't listen!" I countered.

"then do you mind telling me what you've learned?" he said calmly

"based off what you've seen as well as I've seen with my sight is that his ability is divided into two categories" I began.

"the dead those who have already passed on and the living. The dead seem to have vast amounts of strenght and nen control and seem to have access to their own nen the only weakness I've seen that couldn't be sensed by my nen was that they have a limited range of control, based off their nen flow... we can assume there not alive... " I finished Calixto nodded in agreement.

"what's the range at which they can be controlled at?" Calixto asked though he had better nen control the fact that they could only be controlled at a certain range was so discreet it could only be discovered through combat.

"from what the red in my sight showed at least 50 metres in a circular range" I answered

"as for the living you can probably tell their weaker and are without a doubt still alive they don't seem to have a noticable range though" I said and Calixto only groaned at this.

"we could easily take them out and some of them are just regular people with guns who aren't even being controlled why aren't you letting me go in" Calixto questioned his usual excitement turned to seriousness just like that.

"we don't know how his abilities work on people" I countered.

"damn maybe we shoulda brought Elowen" he said loudly at my answer.

"nope the red doesn't seem to glow as prominent as it does during daytime"i answered.

"tomorrow based off patterns and the sight I've gotten defensively he'll be most split when he's preparing to enter York news center" I deducted.

"right the--" but before he could continue I interrupted.

"they're already aware of our presence and assuming they know we'll stroke tomorrow then our best option is to strike before then" I said and he seemed to be annoyed that I interrupted.

"you know I already knew that they had noticed that and I was about to suggest that" he said in an agitated tone and to be honest I wasn't to surprised he had caught on. When it came to nen control during our training he was definitely stronger than me and Elowen if it came to Perception.

"if we can find him in a somewhat open area use your emission ability" I said calmly, Calixto looked over at me surprised by what he had heard.

"don't worry leave the civilians in the surrounding area to me" I said confidently


only a couple days remained till we reunited with the othersnand I still hadn't come up with a plan to reveal things to Kurapika as Calixto and Elowen had refused my offer on meeting up with Kurapika.

"DAAMMN ITTT!!" I yelled loudly ruffling my hand through my hair in annoyance.

No point in thinking of it now may as well practice my transmitter abilities. When it came to every to nen I had mastered all nen types but manipulation.

Focusing all the nen I had to my hand illuminating the dark room with a bright white light. Visualizing fire the bright light changed to a bright red colour it was hot alright hot enough to certainly burn this entire building down. But if I was too be ready for the chimera ant arc I needed it to be hotter. Volcanoes, forest fires, Dabis fire and science experiments conducted in class anything and as I did so it changed from a bright red to a light blue colour.

That seemed to be my limit.

I pulled out my nen blade though I didn't have full control over it, it can only be used when my eyes went scarlet and it seemed to react in response to my opponents abilities like an automatic counter conjuring itself into a nen weapon or ability to take down my opponent. Its only flaw being that I could barely stay conscious when using it and I had an idea why.

I still hadn't come to terms with this bodies original owner.

A knock on my window broke me out of my day dreaming... Or night dreaming since it was dark out?

"Oi open up" Calixto said continuously banging on my window.

"why didn't you just go through the front door" I asked impatiently as I opened the window.

"it's better too make things less evident" he said his eyes glancing from side to side.

"you're already drawing attention on yourself what kind of 13 year old boy goes through a window on the 6th floor to a hotel!?" I countered, he siny waved it off pulling out off the bag he had to pairs of glasses.

"you couldn't find a better pair?" I asked him curiously.

"now i need to worry on what type of glasses they are now? Why didnt you do all this work!?" he yelled back annoyed.

"well, whatever" he said entering and falling back unto the bed.

"just explain why we need these" he said somewhat exhausted at his trip.

"as it turns out it's just a hypothesis but I'm assuming his ability allows him to control a person's neural connection with his own nen it could either be through sight or physical contact" I explained

"why not protect ourselves using nen" Calixto suggested.

"That's the thing, I thought about it that way, but if that was the case then the people who were nen experts should have had no trouble at all defending themselves" I explained and Calixto nodded understanding what I had said.

"Are Brain sends electrical signals to our eyes assuming he can gain control through something as simple as that it's not worth the risk." I explained calmly.

"and if all else fails use your emmiter ability no holding back" I added.

He nodded grabbing the glasses.

"so we use these... to cover our eyes?" he asked confused.

"I'm going off a hunch that the glasses will actually help us out" I said sighing in exhaustion.

"then it's settled tomorrow night we'll ambush him at gateway bridge!" Calixto exclaimed enthusiastically.


He couldn't choose a better place to set up an ambush?

An: already got the chapter after this written but it feels underwhelming with all the buildup might rewrite it

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