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The vest was incredibly heavy to the point where even I struggled to lift it. I thought that I was ahead of them because of how much stronger I had gotten but by the looks of it I wasn't much stronger than Gon.

Leorio struggled to keep his balance eventually falling forwards to the floor.

"how are these so heavy" he asked

"it weighs fifty kilograms" Zebro answered

"please wear it at all times except for when you sleep" Zebro said casually

"I'll make it heavier as you get used to it" He said in a slightly playful tone. A yell of annoyance came from Leorio.


"please have some tea" Zebro said clearly amused

I already knew the cup was going to be heavy just based of the anime but this was insane it took all my strength just to lift it to my mouth.

"the teapot weighs 40 kilograms. All furniture's and utensils in this house weigh more than 20 kilograms apiece" Zebro finished

Looking over I could see the annoyance on Leorios face, it was hard to believe this was the conditions they went through just to keep in shape

"i see so this will serve as training" Kurapika stated calmly.

"it's useless they'll give up in two or three days" Seaquant said cockily

'cocky little bastard' I thought to myself

"what did you say?" Leorio yelled out clearly annoyed at his words

"Seaquant, I believe your shift has started" Zebro said

"oh, that's right" Seaquant said rushing quickly out of the room

"sorry about that he isn't a bad person" Zebro said

"by the way weres the bathroom" Leorio asked

"through the door over there" Zebro happily pointer Leorio towards it.

"I'm guessing that the door is also..."

"yea it weighs 500 kilograms" Zebro said

"500..." Leorio repeated

"what?! Get out! I can't hold it in" he said rushing towards it.


I stood by the testing gates all three of us now ready though Gon considering his arm wouldn't have been much help.

"wait Gon" Leorio called out. Gon turned his head over towards Leorio

"you just watch" Leorio suggested

"huh why?" Gon questioned

"you need to let your arm heal" Kurapika said

"as long as Kurapika, Yoru and I can open it it doesn't matter"

"yeah, for once I agree with Leorio" I said calmly

"let us handle this" Leorio said calmly I didn't quite get the response I wanted.

"let's do this Kurapika, Yoru" he said

"yeah" both of us yelled simultaneously

Laying my hands against the door I put all my strength into trying to open it. The door budged slightly opening only a little bit more than it did yesterday I finally gave in and the door shut again. All of us now tired from the attempt.

"no use... it won't budge" Kurapika said short winded

"damn" Leorio yelled annoyed

"we'll get it somehow" I reassured

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