Neteros Student

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my eyes fluttered open and it wasnt long for me to realise I was no longer at the Milsy wetlands I was back at the hunter associations tower, I stood up examining the room, a hospital within the association I turned my head to see the window only a couple hundred feet off the ground, I was nearly killed and I blacked out the moment the knife came into my I blacked out again. a knock on the door caught my attention I walked over towards it opened it to see Netero with a man I had never seen in the anime was this chantz?

i glanced over to the two kids that stood behind him they looked to be just a year older, my attention went back towards the man.

"sooooo..." the man in question started in an attempt to break the silence

"...are you gonna speak?" he asked

"..." I didn't respond yet instead looked over towards Netero who faked a cough and burst out into an awkward laughter.

"ILL KILL YOU, YOU PIECE OF SHIT" i yelled jumping towards the oldman but was stopped by Chantz before I could reach him. i struggled to move but my eyes remained on the oldman

"WHERE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME!?" I asked annoyed at the oldman that hid behind his former apprentice.

"it was a test that I had set up..." the man started

"to determine just how strong you were" he continued my eyes turned over towards him.

"see it wasn't my idea" the oldman laughed once more letting go of me I turned over to the man

"who said you could test me I could've died" i asked with genuine curiosity

"I received permission from Netero" my eyes turned back to the oldman again who turned his eyes to the side and began to whistle.

"your nen was amazing and you managed to conjure string like objects wiping out the remaining monkeys despite your low reserves of nen.

"I'm a transmitter" i said interrupting before the man could continue.

"what?" he repeated

"I'm a transmitter" i said once more. he remained silent putting his hands on his chin.

"perhaps the two of you could discuss this later as of right now I need to talk to the young boy" Netero spoke.

"of course" Chantz responded leaving the room with the two he had with him

leaving just the two of us.

the oldman grabbed my head releasing his nen it was a lot more than mine and I could tell just from brief exposure and they said the royal guards had more nen just how much more I shivered at the thought and he seemed to take notice, he stopped releasing his nen.

"that should be good enough" Netero said backing away.

it wasn't just nen my body felt lighter and i had a feeling i was a whole lot stronger.

"did you finally remove the weights?" i asked excitedly

"no" he said simply pointing down at my wrist

"i simply removed the nen that surrounded you" he simply responded reverting back to a serious demeanor

"what?" i responded confused

"nen was used to hide you it seems" Netero responded stoic

"huh" i responded more confused by his words.

"its something that Chantz will most likely be able to explain better" Netero stated he used his nen to release the weights from my wrist and my body felt even better, like i could do anything and with the way things were i was confident i was as strong or maybe stronger than Killua.

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