Reuniting With Gon And Killua

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Within a couple of days we arrived at whale Island, Calixto looked from side to side his eyes gleaming with excitement. Elowen on the other hand seemed just as excited and tried her best not to show it.

As we entered Gons hometown it wasn't long before we got lost in the crowd of people that rushed the streets.

"HEYYY! WHAT'S THAT??" Calixto yelled at a passerbier whos box seemed to carry an unusual fish not known to people that weren't familiar with the area.

"oh this? A platipus fish!" the man replied. He inspected the three of us before noticing the fact that the we may have gotten ourselves lost.

"hey, do you by any chance know a person named Gon, he should've come here a couple days ago with a kid with white hair, super annoying, curly hair, does that ring a bell?" I asked casually and in all honesty when I came here I thought finding Gons house would be a piece of cake but the island was bigger than anticipated.

"ohhh you must be friends of Gon!" the man exclaimed snapping his fingers, his fingers then turned towards the densely forested area of trees.

"just three miles east keep going straight, you can't miss it" the man said smiling.


Our walk through whale islands forest didn't take long and within 15 minutes Gons House became visible to us.

"man I'm hungry" Calixto grumbled as we neared Gons house.

"just shut up man" I replied annoyed.

"and why should I?" he replied agitated at my response. Elowen simply passed by us making her way towards the house.

"oi hold on if you just walk up like that you might get attacked by Killua try surpressing your nen a bit more" I suggested to the two.

"then we'd just beat his ass" Calixto resonndsd.

"he's annoying right?" Calixto stated and Elowen seemed to agree with his deduction.

"yes, but still he's my friend so don't do any weird voodoo black magic things around them alright?" the two of them seemed quite confused at my use of words but I simply told them to forget it.

We walked up to the door knocking on it and within seconds it was opened by Gons aunt Mito.

"who are you?" she questioned as she inspected the three of us.

"Gons friends" I proudly told, she seemed to understand before calling Gon down.


I was in the house of one of my favourite shows and boy was I lucky, I was lucky enough to also be provided with tea from whale Island some thing that eased my senses.

"who the heck are they?" Killua asked pointing to Elowen and Calixto.

"just some tagalongs" I smiled responding.

"you lied Yoru, wasn't this supposed to be fun we've done nothing but sit around and listen to this guys rambling" Calixto complained and on the other hand Elowen would most likely agreed she seemed to be distracted.

"Gon have you figured anything out on Ging yet?" I asked calmly, the boys normal smile turned into a toothy one.

"mn, we found a tape of my dad not long ago" Gon started.

"but it was infused with nen and destroyed any proof or information of where he was" Killua finished and Gon awkwardly scratched his cheek.

"still, that's progress!" I reassured.

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