Trick tower

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Now at the area of the exam a tall linear building to which the current phase was to be held. I could always take Tonpa's place but what would that do? I had already decided that during important parts I would keep my business to myself. Killua's perception still top tier seemed to notice the fact that I kept close to the group but far, though he never seemed to ask, I could tell just by his facial expressions. Ignoring all noises with hands on chin I began to think how I could avoid ruining canon, everything had already been set up with Netero. A tap on the shoulder pulled me out of my thoughts, turning my head around only to notice the sliver haired boy.

"Killua" I said in response

"your thinking pretty hard on how to avoid us right?" he asked. I personally hadn't seen this question coming, I sorta had but I personally didn't think he'd asked me questions.

"what do you mean?" I asked playing dumb to his question turning my full attention to him, he definitely wasn't convinced, and his glare wasn't helping either. Turning away from me he left in the direction of the others. A green bean spoke up once more.

"everyone, the exam's third phase will begin here, at the top of trick tower" he spoke up all eyes now on him

"Trick tower?" an applicant asked

"to pass this phase you must reach the base alive, the time limit is 72 hours with that, we will now begin the third phase" he said, Leorio looked in slight disbelief, Killua simply shrugged his shoulder before looking back at me, he seemed to now be suspicious.

"best of luck to everyone" a voice could be heard from the balloon above. Walking towards the edge I Iook downwards. That dude that tried climbing down was suicidal.

"are we supposed to climb down?" Kurapika responded to Leorio's comment pretty quickly.

"that would be suicide" turning my head back I look towards a man, poor bastard was going to die in a terrible way.

"maybe for a normal person, but for a professional rock climber like me" he said confidently, shaking my head from side to side I decided to be nice

"don't do it, it won't be the fall that kills you" I turn my head to him he looks back towards me. A smug look still on his face he begins to scale down the wall.

"for a top-class rock climber this is nothing" he said

"wow" Killua asked in amazement though his outwards expression didn't show it

"he's going down pretty fast" Gon commented.

The man began his descent, but the sound of wings flapping could be heard as giant creatures appeared, there giant heads bigger than their torso while four limbs were to the side, with teeth that clearly weren't for eating grass all different colors flapped around the climber before eating him whole. His screams of terror could be heard in the near distance, I should have been scared but I definitely wasn't trembling. Turning my stroll away from the group I had to find my own way down.

"where are you going?" Gon asked turning the groups attention to me, I crouched towards the floor and turned back to him

"I'm finding my own way" I said I began tapping the floor. The group of four needed to carry on as usual and me interrupting them wouldn't help.

"oi what's happened to you Yoru" turning my attention to a baffled Leorio.

"where all going to separate afterwards so there's no point" I said shifting my gaze from tile to tile in an attempt to find a loose one, an obvious lie. I had planned on meeting them again in Yorknew city. The group finally ignored my antics, I finally had them off of me. A platform finally worked with me falling through.

A dimly lit room with unpainted walls with just enough space, at least 10 m apart, five men sat in each corner all waiting what to happen next. the test flashing up on the board showing' All Six Contestant Are Here Only One Shall leave', upon reading what was up on the screen my hands trembled slightly stepping back only to feel my back hit the dusty wall.

Each man stood up, they had come to the hunter exam prepared for moments like this, also prepared to give up their lives just to pass. Unsheathing my blade pulling it out and holding a stance I watched as the silence was broken by the sound of a gunshot. Turning my head in the direction of the noise I turn to a man a guitar in hand with a small hole. On the other side I see the dead body of a man his body leaned against the wall before falling to his knees. The 4 remaining men turned their attention the man with a guitar for a gun in hand, keeping my distance I stayed right where I was and expected for the men to settle things. All simply fell to their knee's bloods stained on the floor, the man with a guitar turned to me a smirk on his face and a wide scar across it most likely from a terrible injury. Orange and white striped pajamas. I trembled slightly under his gaze my legs felt as though they would give in, putting all my energy into my speed I rushed him blade in hand and attempted to cut his abdomen only to feel a blow to my gut. For a brief second it felt as though I couldn't breathe, falling towards the ground blood exited mouth as I coughed. I turned to him to notice a gun to my head and that my knife had been dropped. A gun shot was heard

And everything went black.

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