4th phase begins

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I finally wake up to see the body of the man his upper body completely impaled and his face obliterated, the man that had tried to kill me laid dead in front of me looking down towards my blue tanktop now covered in blood my breathing became heavy to the point that I struggled to inhale and exhale. Overcame by fear I hadn't attempted to move.

Turning my body over so that I could lay on my back I stare at the ceiling and eventually begin to calm, my breath slowing back to its original pace. I didn't move, I had expected to kill, though only monsters I wasn't expected to kill a human being. Sitting up and looking back at where his body laid, I began to ponder to myself, the man had hopes dreams and even family I had just killed someone my breathing became heavy.

No, he wasn't innocent

He killed others.

He died because he was evil.

I killed him because evil.

How had I killed him?

Getting up the door to the room now opened I walked through, turning my head back once more to look at the room drenched in blood facing back, I continue towards the door.

"number 406 pass" the notification went by. Walking over there were already several who had passed which included Hisoka all eyes now on me walking over to an empty space I sat down. Looking over only to see Hisoka scrutinize me. Quickly turning my head away, I waited for a few said shifting my gaze back to the magician, his gaze and attention still on me. My body trembled slightly, what did I do to garner his interest.

"3 minutes left" The announcer spoke

"It's finally over" a voice came from the center of the room a group of three situated there.

"yeah, that took forever" the shortest of three admitted seemingly impatient, the opening of a door caught everyone's attention, turning towards it I watch as a man walks out, his body battered with bruises and stab wounds trudging out of the door

"made it in time" the man said his legs seemingly failing him as he feels to the ground

"he's dead" the shortest of the three announced

"what a fool, it's better to live and try again than to die and pass" one of the three stated. I stayed quiet my mind was a mess and what I had done was getting to my head, before reincarnation I was nobody more than a teenager. One who had watched hunter x hunter, I wasn't exactly an anime fanatic I was nobody special. I was guilty of killing him yet at the same time when I'd killed him I felt an unsettling relief.

"one minute remains" an announcement was made once more breaking me out of my thoughts.

"looks like it'll just be the 20 of us here" a man from the group announced, I turned over looking towards Hisoka, his attention no longer on me, his back leaned against the wall his eyes closed and a smirk plastered across his face. Another door opened once more stepping out came Gon, Kurapika and Killua.

The announcer went off signaling their arrival, where was Leorio?

From behind the three came Leorio and Tonpa fighting.

The three seemingly talking amongst themselves while I thought up my excuse.

The exit to trick tower opened and a breath of fresh air was what I'd been waiting for, exiting the building and greeted with the calm, serene sunlight to which the atmosphere let of just the tiniest bit of wind. Though now it was time

unto the 4th phase.

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