The hunter exam begins!

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I turned my head towards the closed door the man had just left explaining 1 in ten thousand get to the point at which we were at. Before long Kurapika began explaining the true difficulty of the exam, I turned my head to an unfazed Gon right before looking back at Leorio.

"hunters make the most amount of money in the world" before long Kurapika and Leorio began their argument of their very different ideologies with me simply shaking my head from side to side.

"Gon, Yoru what type of Hunter do you want to be" Kurapika and Leorio said simultaneously

"Leorio, Yoru's already explained the type of Hunter he plans on becoming" Kurapika shouted clearly irked at Leorio's suggestion.

"Baka, Kurapika people don't become hunters for noble reasons such as justice" there argument dissipated as the elevator doors opened. A room filled with potential hunter candidates awaited me.

"Damn we can continue this later" Leorio muttered I turned to see Gon sighing quickly grabbing my bag we exited the elevator.

"the atmospheres strange down here" Leorio said shifting his gaze from person to person

"there clearly different from the people at the port each is a master in their own right" Kurapika said examining all potential rivals. Gon seemed to notice the tense air right before a green bean walked up towards us, handing us our numbers before turning off and leaving '406' I thought to my self a tap on the shoulder garnered my attention.

"kid I have a question for you" Leorio turned to me his eyes were surprisingly clam his face stern, he was clearly serious.

"if that guy hadn't admitted to being a Kiriko would you have killed him?" Leorio asked he looked somewhat concerned about a kid like me seriously killing someone, my facial expression perplexed I raised my eyebrows at him.

"course not, you idiot, it was a simple threat" I responded slightly offended, his body loosened up and he turned back towards Gon and Kurapika.

Tonpa of course introduced himself before giving us a few tips not before the sound of a man yelling could be heard


I completely forgot about Hisoka the Pedophile, I needed to watch out for him as well. The man's arms disintegrated into cards, Hisoka seemed to be enjoying himself, he was an interesting character to watch not be pitted up against. If anything, and as much as I hated to admit it, I trembled a bit at the sight.

"the psychos back again" I turned to look up towards Tonpa before he spewed out information.

"he killed an examiner he didn't like" he stated clear signs of nervousness in his eyes

"examiners are super strong that's what Kite said, so we have to avoid him" I stated looking at the other 3 they didn't quite know what to make of it. Tonpa before handing us drinks as congratulations, I opened mine quickly pouring it out Gon seemed to be in agreement most likely tasting it slightly for himself.

"it taste funny" Gon said with his tongue sticking out "I lived on an island so I can tell what's good or bad" Gon continued an awkward chuckle came from Tonpa as Leorio and Kurapika did the same.

"I understand how Gon did it, but how'd you know" Kurapika's suspicion once again arose

"Luck" I flatly stated another answer like that and Kurapika would've been on my back.

"You don't talk much kid" Leorio said, Gon nodded in agreement.

A bell resounded through the room the dash would begin the examiner quickly warned us of the dangers and of course like the anime no one left following after the man slowly but surely his pace increase and befoee long it was a sprint to keep up with him.

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