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with its sudden interaction with nen the box illuminated the room in a bright blue colour, floating in the air in a mystical manner as it came apart piece by piece, and then suddenly fell to the floor as it lost its glow.

"theirs another box inside" Gon noted warily and Killua nodded in agreement, Calixto gulped as he watched Killua pick one of the many shattered pieces up, all four of them were apprehensive of what could happen next and i felt somewhat guilty for not telling them what would've happened beforehand.

"these are just steel plates... it appears nothing was connecting them" Killua stated as he examined it flipping it around his observant eyes scanned over the design causing him to pause for just a second, Calixto curious picked another one up quickly realizing what had gotten Killuas attention.

"whats wrong" Gon said in a worried tone turning from one boy to the other expecting an answer but was simply thrown one of the chips. El leaned in to see what Gon had been staring at, not surprised by what she saw next.

"doesnt that design look familiar?" Killua asked rhetorically.

"this is...?" Gons mind scrambled for an answer quickly realizing what it was.

"I know! this like the pattern on the promise thread Wing-san gave me." Gon said still in awe of the design.

"the guy who taught you guys nen?" El inquired and Killua nodded.

"I saw one of these when studying with Netero... they're designed to snap when nens being used" I explained and Killua nodded agreeing with my reasoning.

"I bet this pattern holds a simliar power to nen" Killua said rummaging through more pieces before looking over towards me.

"did the book you have say anything else on this?" Killua inquired and truth be told i didn't fully finish any of the books, I couldnt quite find the time to finish any of them with all the wild stuff hapening.

"i didn't finish it, but i think it either breaks apart upon receiving nen that flows through it" I stated.

"maybe were supposed to put the card in the box now" Gon said and as he did so the box opened up all 4 of them except for me rushing over to see what was inside.

"it worked" Gon exclaimed

"bingo!" Killua said just as quickly.


"a ring, a cassete tape..." Gon said in order of the things

"and a card?" Killua stated confused.

"maybe the ring is to is like a tracking device and the card is what you use to unlock the door to your dads secret house..." Calixto suggested only eliciting looks of disappointment and curiosity as to how one could come up with something so dumb so quickly.

"your right!" Gon suddenly agreed causing both me and Killua to sigh in disbelief.


I took in several deep breaths as i entered the room the twins resided in, by no means was what i was about to do easy, nor should it have been.

The two of them shot a glance at me as i made my way into the room. Calixtos avoided eye contact he glowered at me suspiciously from the corner of his eyes whilst Els face held nothing but relief when she realized tbe person who had entered was none other than me.

"Thought i was someone else, huh?" I asked in a playful manner and by their silence it was quite obvious my inquiry was correct. "I overreacted a bit you guys, I'm sorry"

Neither of them reacted at my words their eyes cast off towards random areas within the room which only caused me to sigh. All of their emotions had been drowned out by the overwhelming sadness they currently felt.

"We finally really got to enjoy our time with you... even if it was a bit rough at times" El began her gaze finally meeting mine, her usually stoic and unreadable expression was filled with a cluster of different emotions, her lips quivered as she spoke and her eyes began to tear up, though no tears fell, I could see the puffiness in her eyes.

"... good luck on your adventure." Calixto said flatly as he hurried past me with his suitcase.

"Wait a sec, you guys aren't leaving till tomorrow!" I reminded, quickly grabbing ahold of his suitcase before he could exit the room.

"I'd rather not have to deal with seeing you guys off... So let go of the damn thing!" In a display of anger Calistos nen burst out uncontrollably completely engulfing the room in his aura.

...However as angry as he sounded it wasn't fury but frustration that was clearly plastered on his face. "Chantz told us to explore the world. That we should learn to think for ourselves! And now he wants us to return home without even giving us a FUCKING REASON"

The boys nen grew to the point were both el and I had to activate our ten in order to prevent damage towards our bodies. "And you... after all we've been through you're willing to give us up that easily...?" His voice began to break as he held himself from crying.

The silence that came after was quiet yet loud at the same time and Calixtos sniffled were audible to both me and El. "...Aren't we friends?"

Instinctively I pulled the two of them into a hug grasping tightly against them both. "You two are my best friends and I haven't been taking you into consideration"

The two of them hugged back and I couldn't help but smile. "Which is why from today onwards you are officially..." the two of them looked up at me confuses at my words.

"Officially what?" El inquired in her usual tone and Calixtos gaze met mine and his lips curled into a smile. Through all we've been through he became more and more able to realize what I was thinking. A somewhat mutual telepathy the two of us held.

"...missing hunters"

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